【2022-23V.LEAGUE Game Day】 11/6(日)vs #堺ブレイザーズ 1️⃣25-202️⃣24-263️⃣25-234️⃣25-21 昨日のリベンジ果たしました! 来週は鳥取県での、ホームゲーム🔥 2日間ご声援ありがとうございました! #JTサンダーズ広島 #広島 #バレーボール #ハイキュー #Vリーグ #JTthundershiroshima #volleyball twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
誕生日おめでとう! Happy Birthday 🥳 Tomohiro Yamamoto! This season, Ryujin Nippon's master defender is playing in Japan's V.League for Sakai Blazers - his club team since 2018. 📺 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
誕生日おめでとう! Happy Birthday 🥳 Tatsunori Otsuka! Japan's universal player of Ryujin Nippon turns a year older today. This season, he is playing in Japan's V.League with the Panasonic Panthers. 📺 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
This Season ➡️ Ajcharaporn Kongyot One of Thailand's best players is back in the Turkish League this season and plays for Sarıyer Belediyesi together Chatchu-on Moksri. 📰 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
「取材では常に『自信がある』と言ってきましたが、本音はまだまだ」バレー代表・高橋藍(21歳)が目指し続ける“強い自分”(高橋藍) #バレーボール #volleyball #龍神NIPPON #高橋藍 #髙橋藍 #RanTakahashi #パドヴァ number.bunshun.jp/articles/-/855…
This Season ➡️ Kim Yeon Koung A year after her retirement from the national team, one of the most iconic faces of the #volleyball world stays in the Korean League this season with Incheon Heungkuk Life Pink Spiders. 📰 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
This Season ➡️ Kim Yeon Koung A year after her retirement from the national team, one of the most iconic faces of the #volleyball world stays in the Korean League this season with Incheon Heungkuk Life Pink Spiders. 📰 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
#龍神NIPPON#垂水優芽 選手に質問🏐 \ @yugavolleyball Q. #大塚達宣 選手とのエピソードを教えて下さい 洛南高校では一緒に優勝も経験した 垂水選手と大塚選手との熱いエピソード✨ 2人の今後の活躍にも期待です🔥 #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
This Season ➡️ Mayu Ishikawa. The outside hitter is competing in Japan's V.League this season for Toray Arrows which is her club team since 2018. 📰 Latest #volleyball news on volleyballworld.com.
#龍神NIPPON#山内晶大 選手のクイック解説🏐 \ @akihiroooo1130 世界の強敵相手にもたくさん決めた 速いクイックのコツを教えてもらいました💡 皆さんも練習や試合で意識して やってみてください💪🏻 #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
Ran Takahashi 18 pts 🆚 @PrismaTaranto. The Japanese outside hitter was once again one of the top scorers for his Italian club team @pallavolopadova last night. 📺 Full match replay on VBTV. ⏰ League schedule: bit.ly/3VzucTH 🏐 #volleyball #pallavolo #SuperLega
バレーの石川選手、大人気! #Pallavolo #volleyball #yukiishikawa
POWER OF 3! These 3 stars of @VakifBankSK will see in action at the 2022 #ClubWorldChamps  in Antalya, Türkiye between December 14-18. They will face some of the world's best club teams! 🗞️ Full story: rapidl.ink/Mivjk 🏐 #volleyball #volei
TOGETHER AGAIN! Dutch player Anne Buijs is reunited with Carol & club team Praia Clube for another season in the 🇧🇷 Superliga. Then fly to Antalya, Türkiye between December 14-18 for the 2022 #ClubWorldChamps. 🗞️ Full story: rapidl.ink/Mivjk 🏐 #volleyball #volei
Right around the corner... #VBTV #volleyball #RyujinNippon #龍神NIPPON
PIMPICHAYA’S WISH: 🇹🇭 PLAY IN THE OLYMPICS 🥹 📺 Full episode ONLY on VBTV. 🏐 #volleyball
「俺の目標、最後まで松本さんだったなぁ…」“鉄人”の背中を追い続けた富松崇彰のバレー人生〈41歳松本慶彦は何がスゴい?〉(市川忍) #バレーボール #volleyball #Vリーグ #富松崇彰 #東レアローズ #松本慶彦 #堺ブレイザーズ number.bunshun.jp/articles/-/855…
This Season ➡️ Yuki Ishikawa. A key player for his club and national team, the Japanese star is opening the #SuperLega doors to his compatriots. ⏰ Full Story: bit.ly/3zdKPdS 📺 Watch the Italian League matches on VBTV. 🏐 #volleyball #Pallavolo @Yukiishikawait
GABI & PAOLA EGONU 🤩! Gabi, Paola Egonu & @VakifBankSK will defend their title at the 2022 Club World Champs in Antalya, Türkiye from December 14-18. 🗞️ Full story: bit.ly/3gFf6w4 🏐 #ClubWorldChamps #volleyball
V league 22-23 season 開幕戦ホームで 2連勝することができました🔥 たくさんのファンの方の前で プレーするのは盛り上がりますね😊 始まったばっかですが これからも応援よろしくお願いします! ホームゲーム入場の時の ポーズ毎回何にするか迷うよね😂 #panasonicpanthers #volleyball #vleague
A NEW SEASON FOR NISHIDA 🤩. After playing in Italy last season, Yuji is back in Japan 🇯🇵 to play in the @vleague_or_jp with @JTEKTSTINGS . The new season begins this weekend 🤯. 🗞️ Story: shortest.link/5X9S 🏐 #volleyball @volleyball1301
#龍神NIPPON / レシーブ練習中に起きた奇跡✨ \ 強烈なスパイクをレシーブした ボールの行方はまさかの...🏀🤣 #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
#龍神NIPPON#小川智大 選手に質問🏐 \ @Oooooogawto Q.龍神NIPPONで強いアタックを打つ選手は? 天才的なレシーブ力で チームを支える小川選手が選んだのは... #石川祐希 キャプテンでした⭐️ 対策方はまさかの「なし」⁉️🤣 #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24