#Uganda: Police (@PoliceUg) have murdered at least 28 people, arrested 577, and injured dozens more with live ammunition, beatings, tear gas, and water cannons. At a protest challenging President Yoweri Museveni's 34-year reign. #UgandaIsBleeding #ugandanlivesmatter
#Uganda: Anonymous has taken down @PoliceUg's website in response to recent violent government repression & killings. Anonymous calls for police to respect human lives & the freedom of peaceful assembly and protest. #UgandaIsBleeding #ugandanlivesmatter twitter.com/LorianSynaro/s…
Report: Anonymous hacks #Uganda police website. Naturally, the police deny it; they should concern themselves with bringing to justice those who killed at least 37 protestors than protecting a very basic website. #UgandaIsBleeding #ugandanlivesmatter. infosecurity-magazine.com/news/anonymous…