トランスフォーマーの4コマです。テンセグベースの巻。 #transformers #トランスフォーマー
Optimus prime 9 #transformers
【TFRA】Beast War characters so far #transformersreanimated #transformers
【TFRA】Gonna give A-10 thunderbolt ll to somebody else so… #transformersreanimated #transformers
21世紀以降のトランスフォーマーのデザインの変容について なんとなく考えてたことを図にしてみた 実写以外の映像作品はアニメイテッドを境にカートゥーン調が今も主流だけど たまには日本のサブカルチャー(非ロボットアニメ)から影響受けたTFも見てみたいね #transformers #トランスフォーマー
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! Been the strongest and toughest Titan, Megalon can easily lift up other titans like 10,000 ton Baragon and defend itself from attacks like Godzilla’s atomic ray. Megalon was scanned by Decepticon “Metalhorn” #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla
らくがき ✈️ #transformers
【TFRA】The Merciless Sweeper #transformersreanimated #transformers
#transformers #Optimusprime バスケをしたい司令官
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! Even without size and strength, King Caesar is still the most efficient hunter among all titans,its intelligence and curiosity also make it used to interact with human King Caesar was scanned by Autobot“Victory” #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla
【TFRA】The Complicated Hero #transformersreanimated #transformers
Disorder 来点爆甲(?) #transformers #ultramagnus
\\製品サンプル紹介!// [風雷模型] ウィンドブレードの製品サンプル紹介② 素組状態でいくつかポージングしてみました! 今月末より順次出荷予定となりますので、 皆様のお手元に届くまでもう少々お待ちください! #FLAMETOYS #風雷模型 #transformers
台パンする司令官 #transformers
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! Meet Atom’s alt mode! #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! Though causing small earthquakes when traveling underground, Baragon is still worshiped by locals since its territorial behavior unintentionally protects nearby villages. Bargon was scanned by Autobot “Undermine” #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! As the biggest apex predator in the ocean, Titanosaur is the most powerful natural competitor of Godzilla, these two ancient rivals are the kings of land and sea. Titanosaur was scanned by Decepticon“Scorn” #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla
【TFRA】TITAN WARS! As the fastest swimmer among all titans, Manda is a deep sea opportunist who always looking for new things that satisfy his curiosity. Manda was scanned by Autobot “Neptune ” #transformersreanimated #transformers #godzilla