Artist: Milt Kahl Movie: The Jungle Book Get access to free quality educational content: agora.community/learn Proudly sponsored by Agora.studio #agorastudio #animation #framebyframe #disney #2danimation #characteranimation #drawing #traditionalanimation #design
Animator: Andreas Deja Movie: The Lion King (1994) Music: icons8.com Scar's mouth shapes are much more exaggerated, and he hits accents much harder. #agorastudio #animation #characteranimation #2danimation #penciltest #traditionalanimation #disney #lionking
Clip to study from: This is an absolutely amazing animation analysis by Alexander Savchenko, check it out! Source: instagram.com/p/CCVIJGvqCkj/ #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #2danimation #2d #traditionalanimation #characteranimation #dance #mouse #characterart #analysis
Animator: Mael Gourmelen Clip to Study from: The Inspector and the Umbrella by Maël Gourmelen Original Source: vimeo.com/164121067 Support FBF: patreon.com/framebf Music: bensound.com #agorastudio #animation #framebyframe #traditionalanimation #2danimation