they have my heart 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🥤 #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
the beauty of the immortal realm, really captured the xianxia fairytale visuals 🪷 #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
#bailu was afraid of hurting lyx during the strangling (choking) boat scene bts #luoyunxi understood and repeatedly reassured bai lu: “(pats) don’t need to hesitate” and taught her how to do it director: “its okay you won’t kill him” #tilltheendofthemoon
did you embroider yourself? 🪡 #luoyunxi: yes. you still don’t believe in my handicraft?? I been doing paper-cutting decor since little I once started embroidering blindly and it turned into rlly fine pouch. I was even surprised at my own craftsmanship 💁🏻‍♂️ #tilltheendofthemoon twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
turns out the scary devil god tantai jin is actually a little cutie~! ★ (⃔ *`꒳´ * )⃕↝ #tilltheendofthemoon #luoyunxi
#luoyunxi studio update of tantai jin at the nether river! 🫧 curls and lighter makeup suits him, this look is really beautiful #tilltheendofthemoon
“who is he? he’s a pitiful person” “you let me live but also made me suffer all this pain. but as long as its from you, I’ll accept” ye xiwu said dandelions can grant wishes so tantai jin grew it along the river hoping to find her for 500 years 🔪 #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
the little mermaid,tantai jin 🫧 soft curls and a wounded heart #tilltheendofthemoon #luoyunxi
Q. since #tilltheendofthemoon is quite a heart-wrenching drama, can you comfort us audiences ahead of time? #luoyunxi: this drama is really really cruel (abusive) hah 👾 what should I do
“only she won’t abandon me. as long as she’s willing to love me then its enough” in this wretched tragic life, tantai jin didn’t fear anything. only ye xiwu. just this one person he feared losing. even if his soul shatters he can never let her go. #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
OOH THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING 🤺 lol two sad widowers, neither are winning #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
“use my immortal essence in exchange for your evil bone, we don’t owe each other anything now. my only wish is that we will not meet again in any lifetime” mingye failed to save his love but ye xiwu accomplished her final mission #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
ahh so cute!! #sunzhenni doing jisoo’s flower challenge 🌸 with #gengyeting lol gyt face when he realized he was supposed to complete the heart 🫶🏻 #tilltheendofthemoon
only mingye believed tantai jin can still be saved, he brought this devil’s fetus into his dream and protected him with the heart-guarding scale even after death he put the world first because “I will always be the god of war that sang jiu loves” #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
ye xiwu and pian ran both acted like they didn’t care but who would’ve expected they would fall so hard, willing to sacrifice their lives for their love ❛ in exchange for your life, what is my celestial marrow & demon orb worth ❜ #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
lyx confidence in his acting skills #luoyunxi: some may think I’m playing same type of roles again but I don’t feel stressed because I think no 2 characters share the same experiences. so under my interpretation, there will never be two identical characters #tilltheendofthemoon
“you stay away from her” since then, tantai jin crows are careful to not fly too close to ye xiwu because they know their boss’s wife is afraid 🐦 #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
“why is lil devil god smile so different” tantai jin’s genuine smiles of happiness that appear as he falls more and more in love (a trap) with his wife ye xiwu 🥺 #luoyunxi #tilltheendofthemoon
#bailu: “fox jiejie lets sleep together~” pian ran face when yxw fell asleep 🥺 #sunzhenni #tilltheendofthemoon
fun fact! #luoyunxi is known for his good handwriting. its so beautiful to the point he has his own font called “汉仪罗云熙体” lyx wrote tantai jin’s death note ✍🏻 #tilltheendofthemoon twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
tantai jin really gets more and more beautiful the more insane he becomes © 凯希不酷 #tilltheendofthemoon #luoyunxi
the beauty of 上清 · shangqing realm #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
“is this the price of growing up?” carefree clam sang jiu is no more #bailu #tilltheendofthemoon
mingye glued two broken clam shells and held it like treasure for thousands of years as he laid at statue sang jiu feet SJ refused to look at the dragon she cant forgive but still guides li susu here so he’s no longer trapped in this endless dream #长月烬明 #tilltheendofthemoon
devil god tantai jin · mingye god of war like night and day, same actor but does not feel like the same characters at all #tilltheendofthemoon #luoyunxi