Russel Hobbs in Cracker Island Premieres July 28 at 5pm BST 🔔 Set your reminders now gorill.az/crackerislandv… #crackerisland #thelastcult
2D in Cracker Island Premieres TODAY at 5pm BST Join 2D & Murdoc live in the chat from 3.30pm BST 🔔 Set your reminders now 🔔 gorill.az/crackerislandv… #crackerisland #thelastcult
Watch 2D, Murdoc, Noodle and Russel in Cracker Island 🎬 Now playing gorill.az/crackerislandv… What was your favourite scene? 🤔 #crackerisland #thelastcult
Have YOU seen Cracker Island yet? Thank you @youtubemusic 👊 🎬 gorill.az/crackerislandv… #crackerisland #thelastcult #youtubemusic
"Hiya, yeah so my thought for the day is about Murdoc who reckons he’s finally found The One..." New episodes of the Stuart Potcast streaming now! 🎤 gorill.az/stuartpotcast #thelastcult
It's officially ONE WEEK TO GO! Who is ready for @allpointseastuk? Special guests announced on Monday 👀 Snooze you lose! Get your tickets now! 🎟 gorill.az/allpointseast #thelastcult
As the prophecy had foretold, a great Day of Reckoning was nigh, so there was much work to be done... #thelastcult #crackerisland
STU POT 🫶 #thelastcult
NOODLE 💜 #thelastcult
Just been having a chinwag with the neighbours. They said I am welcome over for a cuppa anytime. Murdoc likes the main lady but she keeps calling him Martin which makes him sad. New episodes of the Stuart Potcast streaming now! 🎤 gorill.az/stuartpotcast #thelastcult
“Hang about, someone's written on my cheese…"Only eat if your cult level is Grand Master or higher." Oh. I'll have some ham instead…” New episodes of the Stuart Potcast streaming now! 🎤 gorill.az/stuartpotcast #thelastcult
Cracker Island Cassette Collection by 2D, Murdoc, Noodle & Russel and ✨ limited edition ✨ print 📼 Pre-order now gorill.az/crackerislandd… #crackerisland #thelastcult
Hi guys, this morning I am at the shops getting stuff to go in Murdoc’s holy bath… Only thing I couldn’t find is a demons toenail. 🎤 New episodes of the Stuart Potcast streaming now! gorill.az/stuartpotcast #thelastcult
Meanwhile... Hobbs was on to something, or was he? #thelastcult
The Scholar presents the little pink book 📖 #thelastcult
Gorillaz have officially joined @discord Pledge allegiance to #thelastcult and stay tuned 👀 gorill.az/discord
Hi guys, I’ve glued my shoes to the ceiling and I’m standing upside down so that all the thoughts will drain out of my nut… 🎤 new episodes of the Stuart Potcast streaming now! gorill.az/stuartpotcast #thelastcult
Throwback to the moment when 2D became The Chosen One, Noodle became The Scholar, Russel became The Seeker of Truth and Murdoc became The Great Leader #thelastcult #praisebetomurdoc