This is the only place you can find so many positive feedback on Russia's nuclear blackmail. Guys we should start collecting Nuka-Cola caps now. #thegreattranslationmovement #大翻译运动
Here comes the top comments under the account of the Russian Embassy in China. Here is a different world #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovement
When you're eating in a restaurant in China and suddenly the owner rushes in, turns the lights off, tells you to shut up and act like no one is in... What's going on? Ah, the anti-epidemic officials are coming. #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovement
The Labour's press literally asks people not to take annual leave? How ironic. Clearly it's a newspaper to the working class, not for the working class. #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovement
On June 4, many China websites do not allow users to change their screen names. By right, this restriction is to protect national security. Thanks to @EricLiu_USA, everyone can try it (at your own risk). #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovement
It seems that senior CCP officials are all good actors. I wonder if she is crying for the common people or for her career that is about to end? #shanghailockdown #covid19 #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovement