Forgot my Switch so I finally dl’d @PlayTeppen to see what the fuss was about.Definitely digging the battle system and art style plus Nero is pretty badass.Add me with this friend code GGJPS88521 & let’s duel. gat.onelink.me/NitF/KennyOmega #TEPPEN #teamTEPPEN #ad #DevilMayCry
Teppen World Championships on Dec 21st but do you want to help me train for MY next big battle? Download and take me on: gat.onelink.me/NitF/KennyOmega #TEPPEN #teamTEPPEN #ad
You can’t fool me, that’s clearly an illegal sized tablet! But hey, take any unsportsmanlike advantage you want - I’ll rip your deck to shreds worse than the current state of your Achilles’ tendon! Download & Fight Me: gat.onelink.me/NitF/KennyOmega #TEPPEN #teamTEPPEN #ad twitter.com/AustinCreedWin…