[STAFFBLOG 更新🗓] STAFF BLOG UPLOAD👇 「AGスタッフブログ(6月18日)#0612 #Emotion release #talk EVENT」 jang-keunsuk.jp/notice/fc/2106…
I believe that there is a way we have never known as our histories how to stop the war. But it's not violent. What have we learned from world war II If we can't get our freedom and equalities without the war? There is nothing more important than a life. #talk
As it is Mental Health week, I thought I would post what was kindly shared with me a few days ago... In the hope that it might help a someone. "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in'... L.Cohen #krystal #talk #youareloved
#astudio #笑福亭鶴瓶 さん #藤ヶ谷太輔 さん #talk 明日、 A-Studio+に〜 6月2日(金)23:00~23:30 MC:笑福亭鶴瓶 / 藤ヶ谷太輔 ゲスト:夏木マリ 観てね〜