え、ふろ? オレは行かないです おろせです Are you going to taking a bath? No thanks, leave me soooon!! #pixlr #straycatj
Jせんせ きょうはなにするでち? Excuse me master J, what will we do today? #straycatj #menacecatk
くさ!くさよこせです! Grass! Give me the grass in your hand! #straycatj #pixlr
なんです でし What, apprentice #straycatj #menacecatk
ひーたーぬくい… I love warmth... #Pixlr #straycatj
ねるのよ I'm sleeping #straycatj
家主 きょう どようなのに マルイチしごと行きやがったですよね Hey landlady, you'd gone to your office all the day though it's Saturday today 💢#pixlr #straycatj
家主きょう うちいるですよね Hey landlady, you're going to stay at home today, don't you? #straycatj #pixlr
さいきんは でしもクサをくうですよ My apprentice also have grasses in these days #straycatj #menacecatk
こふちゃん Jせんせとは あさから ばとるでち Morning fight towards master from Kofu! #straycatj #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…