#shibarmy DON'T GET SCAMMED. PLEASE. This is a SCAM!!!!
Turning off all my notifications. I can't reply to every question or concern. I love you #shibarmy.
Dammit #shibarmy stop letting these fudders best us. You see all the numbers in their username? You must remain vigilant. The scammers and fudders are going into overdrive. Please be careful.
Glad you made it safe! Can't wait to RT all about #nexusaurora and #shibarmy to MARS! twitter.com/thecuriousitch…
So I don't make mistakes often but since these were announced (and given to us) during/right after ShibaSwap release I totally missed getting out these winnings. One of the winners mentioned how they missed out on gains. So... I doubled the rewards & sent. Apologies. #shibarmy twitter.com/CertiKCommunit…
Yo... heard you #shibarmy... @raftaarmusic. Let's talk asap, DM me
Fudder turned convert. Lol. I'm teasing but it's true. We've been having people who learn more about us join the ShibArmy for months and happy to have another convert. #shibarmy twitter.com/CryptoOccupy/s…
So I've been chatting with @garethemery (I love this guy) and he will host a simulcast backup of the stream on his YT in case they ding my account for music copyright during the party blah blah. Lol. #shibarmy
I look forward to your articles praising our accomplishments assuming you are a fair and unbiased journalist. Take care bud! #shibarmy
Congrats to the winners. All fo you looked amazing. #shibarmy