ANALYSIS BY NOOB こうやって可視化すると面白いジャロ? 分析は大事、なぞるだけでも気づきがある。 基本、生物の動きは曲線。直線=それ命無いもの。 #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #animationtips
Animation Supervisor Chris Sauvé gives us the "business" and shows how he gave the "business" to Dean in the Iron Giant! Source: instagram.com/p/CXO0-t0PWLC/ #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #theirongiant #irongiant #resource #reference
下田スケッチ(@simodasketch) gives us a great tutorial on the shapes of ears and how to draw them! Source: twitter.com/simodasketch/s… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource
Here are some helpful little notes on composition and camera angles from various sources! Learning how and when to use them in your animation is key to making a compelling story! #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #cinematography #reference #resource
Some DOs and DONTs for the designs of the Bad Guys! Just look how much detail goes into the handshapes! Source: youtube.com/watch?v=0yA3TR… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource
IK? FK? Ok?? Watch Mr.Doodley's animated tutorial on the difference between these 3D animation joints! Source: doodley.org #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource
A page out of Preston Blair's book "How to Animate Film Cartoons" on balancing your characters and animation! Source: livlily.blogspot.com/2010/10/presto… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #animationtips
Asymmetry in expressions and movements add more life to a character! Just look at these great examples! Source: amezure.tumblr.com/post/627823099… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #characterdesign
Balance is key to making your work feel natural and grounded, here are some tips collected from Tony Bancroft and 21Draw all about it! Sources: - instagram.com/pumbaaguy/ - instagram.com/21_draw/ #Agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #artist #resource #reference
Show us those hands, don't be shy! Take these lessons straight from Preston Blair and run! Book: Preston Blair's Advanced Animation Source: animationresources.org/drawing-drawin… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #drawingtips
Some tips and tricks on storyboarding and on composition & layout for animation from @Giancarlo_Volpe : supervising director at Titmouse! Source: giancarlovolpe.tumblr.com #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #Animator #resource #reference #composition #storyboard #cgboarding
Something that may help that character design pop out that much more and add variety! Source: Unknown (we'd love to know!) #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #arttips #characterdesign
Griz and Norm have SO many incredible tutorials, here are some scavenged pages on conquering hands and feet! Source: grizandnorm.tumblr.com #Agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #GrizandNorm #artist #artitips #hands #feet #resource #reference #drawingtiips
Adam Rowland aka AwkwardAnimations gives a little lesson on lip-sync and it's techniques with a claymation puppet demo! Source: awkwardanimations.com #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #stopmotion #lipsync #dialogue #claymation
Here's a great tidbit made by Alleno4 on balance from Animation Kolkata's blog post full of animation tips! Source: animationkolkata.com/blog/2020/11/2… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #animationtips
A collection of great composition tips from artist Mitch Leeuwe (@MitchLeeuwe) there's even more great art tips on his Gumroad! Source: instagram.com/p/CPJK3BHFYeP/ #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #artist #reference #resource #tutorial #illustration #arttips
Here are some anatomy and stylization references to help you to practice them! Sources: ow.ly/bPia50Gnpyj (Anatomy) ow.ly/qbYC50Gnpyi (Arcs) ow.ly/YM9p50Gnpyh (Stylization) #agorastudio #framebyframe #reference #animation #resource #howto #drawing #art
Here are some awesome tips to getting the hang of those hard to nail poses for characters! Artists: @EtheringtonBros & @simodasketch Sources: - ow.ly/m94o50HzyBB - ow.ly/3iCZ50HzyHZ #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #arttips
Look at this awesome reference footage from Dreamworks animator Patrick Giusiano for this final tense interaction! Source: twitter.com/PatrickGiusian… #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #pussnboots #dreamworks
We compiled a couple of Griz and Norm notes that groove together really well, from acting to pushing poses & more! Source: grizandnorm.tumblr.com #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #resource #reference #art #drawing #grizandnorm #gesturedrawing #characterdesign
Perspective is just one of those things that only get better with study. Luckily, artist @MitchLeeuwe has some awesome tutorials on those tricky angles! Source: ow.ly/bOBb50IEHy1 #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #reference #resource #perspective #arttips
Mitch Leeuwe (@MitchLeeuwe) always has a great variety of art advice and tips, here's a small handful of his notes on composition and setting up your shots/pieces! Source: instagram.com/mitchleeuwe/ #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #resource #reference #composition
Take a look at these character design notes from the book Batman: The Complete History by Les Daniels on Batman's design and more from the show! The notes on his hands are great! #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #characterdesign #batman #resource #reference
Eyes? 👀Eyes! A collection of notes from Steamroller supe @mslackinoff on pupil position & more! Sources: -ow.ly/zn7B50GPrwk -ow.ly/F7oQ50GPrwj -ow.ly/iIJm50GPrwl -ow.ly/KiQl50GPrwi #agorastudio #framebyframe #animation #animator #resource #reference