現在あ~ちゃんがレギュラー出演中のJFN系ラジオ「あ〜ちゃん ちゃあぽんの!“West Side Story"」では、【ボク・ワタシのPerfume The Best】を募集中!詳しくはこちらをチェック→bit.ly/2H5TunF #wss #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest
Our hearts connected and we made it to Hokkaido to see you. #pcp17 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #MakomanaiSekisuiHeimIceArena umj.lnk.to/ns7li
Your warm welcome back, gave us the power to move on. #pcp16 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #HiroshimaGreenArena umj.lnk.to/ns7li
Radio program. We received so much energy from the listeners. #pcp13 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #YamachanSakae umj.lnk.to/ns7li
#Pcubed_P Special movie has been unlocked! Thank you all for finding and tweeting our posters. The next chapter of our story begins here. perfume-web.jp/cam/best-pcube… #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest
On the day we announced the news of our major debut to the fans, we felt blessed to be able to continue our journey together. #pcp14 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #ShibuyaOWest umj.lnk.to/ns7li
Even if we weren’t Perfume, we were probably spending time together. #pcp27 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #CafeDePalfun umj.lnk.to/ns7li
Perfume song accompanying a special story. Those are the moments when we feel that our hard work has paid off. #pcp24 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #OmiJingu umj.lnk.to/ns7li
We will never forget the beautiful view we saw from stage. Thank you for the surprise. #pcp22 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #FukuokaYafuokuDome umj.lnk.to/ns7li
We met. We believed in ourselves and walked side by side. That’s the miracle of Perfume. #pcp31 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #YokohamaArena umj.lnk.to/ns7li
We jumped on the bullet train, just the three of us, because we couldn’t wait to come see you. #pcp29 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #MoriUnyuArena umj.lnk.to/ns7li
After the show, coming back to say “thank you” became our next goal. #pcp28 #prfm #Perfume #PCubed #prfmBest #RoughTradeNYC umj.lnk.to/ns7li
English page of Perfume “Challenger” MUSIC VIDEO PLAN CONTEST is now open! We look forward to your entry! perfume-web.jp/cam/challenger… #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest #challengercontest
When you find a poster, tweet the photo using #Pcubed_P hashtag & the poster number starting with #pcp so your photo will appear on the album special website! Show us the teamwork & fill up the map! #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest #Pcubed_P More info → smarturl.it/vcz5l5
【内容解禁】 別冊TOWER PLUS+ #Perfume 特別号! <入門編に、答え合わせに> タワレコの精鋭スタッフ7人による、「ライブ」、「家」、「踊る」、「じっくり聴く」でまとめたポジショニングマップを公開! 配布詳細&タワレコで開催されることまとめ ⇒tower.jp/article/news/2… #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest
Perfume The Best “P Cubed” EU standard CD is now out! Pls contact your local Universal Music or record stores for details. #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest
[Note] Special thanks to all locations for allowing us to put up the posters! Please do not remove and/or take away the posters and refrain from inconveniencing others! We ask for your cooperation and let’s enjoy the project! #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest #Pcubed_P
【本日よりテイクフリーで配布開始】 別冊TOWER PLUS+ #Perfume 特別号! タワレコの精鋭スタッフ7人が『Perfume The Best "P Cubed"』収録曲を「どういう形で聞くのがオススメできるのか」をまとめたプラ! 配布詳細&開催されることまとめ ⇒tower.jp/article/news/2… #prfm #PCubed #prfmBest