2022 WPVR NY PINNACLE AWARD 🎉BEST GROUP  #ARASHI 🎉WORLD SONG OF THE YEAR  Turning Up/嵐 🎉BEST BALLARD  Whenever You Call/嵐 3冠おめでとうございます! #wpvr #pinnacleawards @platinumvibes8 @arashi5official #嵐を世界に連れて行こう ✈️ twitter.com/platinumvibes8…
💥✅ Thank you to everyone who has voted! Just under 3 hours remain to get your FAN VOTE in for the Pinnacle Awards ending at 12 EST platinumvibesradio.com/wpvr-2022-pinn… @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @agnezmo @tomosfam @BTS_twt #wpvr #pinnacleawards
🆘 M A S S V O T I N G🆘 🏆 2022 Year-End Pinnacle Awards A'TIN CAST YOUR VOTES for SB19's 7 nominations in #pinnacleawards. Vote here 👇🏻 🔗 platinumvibesradio.com/wpvr-2022-pinn… Voting Ends on 1.19,2023 at 12:00am Note: Three (3) votes maximum per email only, Please do not spam.
👋📣Greetings! Over 60k fan votes so far from 40+ countries with 3 days remaining. Awesome job everyone! Keep it up 😀.. platinumvibesradio.com/wpvr-2022-pinn… @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @agnezmo @tomosfam @BTS_twt #wpvr #pinnacleawards #fanvotes
🎥 🎵Greetings WPVR World! Here is the 1st trailer for the upcoming Pinnacle Awards featuring @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @agnezmo @CalvinHarris @JustSarahG @FujiiKaze @tatemcrae and more #wpvr #pinnacleawards youtube.com/watch?v=_uapro…
💥✅ Hey WPVR World! The FAN VOTE BALLOT for the WPVR Pinnacle Awards is now open! Get your vote(s) in at platinumvibesradio.com/wpvr-2022-pinn…. Thank you! @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @agnezmo @tomosfam @BTS_twt #wpvr #pinnacleawards #fanvotes
🏆🤩 WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for BEST NEW ARTIST FORTELLA JEYAIA PRESS HIT PLAY PSYCHIC FEVER TRAVIS JAPAN @fortellaoff @PressHitPlay @psyfe_official @TravisJapan_cr #wpvr #pinnacleawards #fortella $travisjapan #psychicfever #presshitplay #exiletribe
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for K-POP SONG OF THE YEAR are: AESPA BLACKPINK BTS HYOLYN iKON @aespa_official @BLACKPINK @bts_bighit @BTS_twt @officialhyolyn_ @iKONIC_143 @ygent_official #wpvr #pinnacleawards #kpop #bts #blackpink #hyolyn #ikon #aespa
🏆🤩 WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for BEST WORLD GROUP ARASHI BLACKPINK BTS KING & PRINCE SB19 @arashi5official @BLACKPINK @kingandprince_j @SB19Official @bts_bighit @BTS_twt #wpvr #pinnacleawards #arashi #kingandprince #sb19 #blackpink #bts #blinks
NYのラジオ局 プラチナヴァイブさんの2022年ピナクルアワードの各部門ノミネートが発表されました🏆 King & Princeはなんと!7部門でノミネート!!👏👏👏👏👏 明日からはファン投票が始まります🗳 (各部門はこの下へ) #wpvr #pinnacleawards #KingandPrince #ichiban twitter.com/platinumvibes8…
🏆🤩 WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for MOST REQUESTED SONG: AYU HAMASAKI BURNA BOY FUJII KAZE POPCAAN TOMOHISA YAMASHITA @ayu_19980408 @burnaboy @FujiiKaze @PopcaanMusic @tomosfam @avexdiscovery #wpvr #pinnacleawards #ayuhamisaki #burnaboy #fujiikaze #tomo
🏆🤩 WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for MOST REQUESTED SONG: ARASHI KING & PRINCE SB19 TOMOHISA YAMASHITA TRAVIS JAPAN @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @SB19Official @tomosfam @TravisJapan_cr #wpvr #pinnacleawards #arashi #kingandprince #sb19 #tomo #TravisJapan
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for WORLD ALBUM OF THE YEAR: BGYO BLACKPINK FUJII KAZE KING & PRINCE THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE @bgyo_ph @BLACKPINK @FujiiKaze @kingandprince_j @therampagefext @johnnys @avexdiscovery @ygent_official #wpvr #pinnacleawards
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for J-POP SONG OF THE YEAR are: ARASHI BALLISTIK BOYZ KAT-TUN KING & PRINCE TRAVIS JAPAN @arashi5official @ballistik_fext @KATTUN_0322 @kingandprince_j @TravisJapan_cr @johnnys @avexdiscovery #wpvr #pinnacleawards #jpop
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for P-POP SONG OF THE YEAR are: ALAMAT BGYO KAIA SARAH GERONIMO SB19 @Official_ALAMAT @bgyo_ph @KAIAOfficialPH @JustSarahG @SB19Official #wpvr #pinnacleawards #alamat #bgyo #kaia #sarahgeronimo #sb19 #ppop
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for ALBUM OF THE YEAR are: BEYONCE BLACKPINK CALVIN HARRIS FUJII KAZE JAMES REID @Beyonce @BLACKPINK @CalvinHarris @FujiiKaze @tellemjaye #wpvr #pinnacleawards #beyonce #blackpink #calvinharris #fujiikaze #jamesreid
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for SONG OF THE YEAR are: AGNEZ MO ARASHI CALVIN HARRIS, J. TIMBERLAKE, HALSEY, PHARRELL JUSTIN BIEBER SB19 @agnezmo @arashi5official @CalvinHarris @justinbieber @SB19Official #wpvr #pinnacleawards #agnezmo #arashi #sb19
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for BEST SOLO ARTIST are: AGNEZ MO DUA LIPA ED SHEERAN HARRY STYLES JUSTIN BIEBER @agnezmo @DUALIPA @edsheeran @Harry_Styles @justinbieber #wpvr #pinnacleawards #agnezmo #dualipa #edsheeran #harrystyles #justinbieber
🏆🤩 The WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees for BEST GROUP are: ARASHI BLACKPINK IMAGINE DRAGONS KING & PRINCE SB19 @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @Imaginedragons #wpvr #pinnacleawards #blackpink #sb19 #arashi #blackpink #imaginedragons
🎉⭐ Congratulations go out to all of the WPVR 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS Nominees and their fans and supporters! See the full list at platinumvibesradio.com/wpvr-2022-pinn… @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @agnezmo @tomosfam #wpvr #pinnacleawards
Greetings WPVR🌍! At 8:00 NYC Time, we will reveal the Nominees of our 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS! Nominees include @DojaCat @justinbieber @BTS_twt @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @chrisbrown @agnezmo @FujiiKaze @DUALIPA @tomosfam and MORE #wpvr #pinnacleawards twitter.com/platinumvibes8…
🏆 WPVR PINNACLE AWARD NOMINATIONS - Jan. 10 / FAN VOTE - Jan. 11-18 / AWARDS RADIO SHOW - Jan. 27 @DojaCat @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @chrisbrown @agnezmo @1Rayvon @FujiiKaze @DUALIPA @tomosfam and MORE.... #wpvr #pinnacleawards
Happy Friday and Sat. Morning PVR World! As nominations for the 2022 Year-End Pinnacle Awards are being finalized. Here are some additional nominees @edsheeran @TravisJapan_cr @elliegoulding @Official_ALAMAT @PressHitPlay @tellemjaye . Updates coming soon! #wpvr #pinnacleawards twitter.com/platinumvibes8…
Hello WPVR 🌍! Our 2022 Year-End PINNACLE AWARDS are COMING SOON! See details below! Nominees include @DojaCat @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @chrisbrown @agnezmo @1Rayvon @FujiiKaze @DUALIPA @tomosfam and MORE.... #wpvr #pinnacleawards
See the faces of some of the WPVR 2022 Year-End Pinnacle Awards nominees. Stay tuned for more details: @DojaCat @justinbieber @BLACKPINK @SB19Official @arashi5official @kingandprince_j @chrisbrown @agnezmo @1Rayvon @FujiiKaze @DUALIPA @tomosfam and MORE.... #wpvr #pinnacleawards