Here the part I animated in the last music clip of Dua Lipa: #physical #dualipa #animation #birds #hands
All eyes are on this house arrest at #ShaTin #HK Residents claimed they heard constant #physical #struggle and the sound of #vomiting from the house as the #HKPF guarded the door against reporters and even, lawyers seeking to enter the premise who demand seeing their client.
Old animation I did for @DUALIPA music clip #physical
#EXILE #POWEROFWISH #physical #DATA Day 1 in NAGOYA Amazing thanks ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 今日は気温か高かったので、前半から半端ない汗の量でした💦終わった後の氷風呂がいつもより混雑してたよ😂 疲れてもやっぱりhappyが満タン🌈 明日も頑張ります⤴️ GN👋