How about an addition? Please welcome @Shock_Architect as flex! He joins us as a reigning champion from @SFShock . We are so excited to have you join and can't wait for the OWL veteran with a huge hero pool to shine with the Spark. Welcome! d(`・∀・)b #owl2020 #sparkbang
Entering the Playoffs and WE ARE READY! ┗|`O′|┛ Match Alert Spark VS @SeoulDynasty 4 AM PST #sparkbang #owl2020
ALLSTARS Giveaway incoming! ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚ We are giving 200 OWL PC tokens each for 20 winners! The APAC OWL Allstars is about the begin tomorrow. Just FL, RT and cheer for the Spark on youtube.com/overwatchleague & live.bilibili.com/76 #sparkbang #owl2020
Happy the 4th Anniversary for Overwatch! Please give some love the to our pink @overwatchleague fans! The world could always use more heroes. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ #overwatch #owl2020 #sparkbang