. Through to Quarter finals! Let's go!!Try and enjoy!!! . . 準々決勝に進出! 明日世界ランク1位の選手と! いつぶりだろう〜 楽しみ♪ 1球ずつ勝負して楽しみます👍 . . #asiangames #badminton #nozomiokuhara #tryandenjoy instagram.com/p/Bm5py5wn_aU/…
. Final!!! Let's go! I can! . 決勝進出! さぁ勝っても負けても最後 私らしく全力を出し切って終われるように頑張ります!! . #daihatsuyonexjapanopen2018 #badminton #final #nozomiokuhara #ican #最後 #全力を尽くせ instagram.com/p/BnvPSd4H__A/…
. Welcome to finals. One more. I believe myself and only look at my way. Nothing else. . 決勝にきました!もう一つ!新しい相棒と共に、自分を信じて無心でシャトルを追いかけます💨 . #fuzhouchinaopensuper750 #badminton #nozomiokuharainstagram.com/p/BqAG2gelw1_/…
Good start here in Fuzhou🇨🇳 初戦突破!次は木曜日なので、明日調整して次の試合に備えます!! #badminton #nozomiokuhara
Ready for the quarterfinals. この調子で明日も動くぞー🏃‍♀️ #badminton #ChinaOpenSuper750 #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi
Come on Semifinals‼️ Next opponent is TAI Tzu Ying. I'll do my best!! 準決勝進出! 次はタイツーイン選手。今年3回目の対戦。無欲無心でシャトルを追います💨 #badminton #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi #FuzhouChinaOpenSuper750
シンプルに! 今自分に出来ることだけを Simply. That's all. #badminton #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi #FuzhouChinaOpenSuper750
I didn't get the title again. Thanks for supporting me anytime. Never never give up. I'll take that on as many times as it takes. I believe will be able to do it in my futures. Keep head and sprint🙂 #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi #badminton #FuzhouOpenSuper750
初戦突破です!! Through to 2nd round🇭🇰 #hongkong #badminton #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi
I won and pass through to the quaterfinal. I can enjoy playing badminton now. Keep going!! 今試合をするのがとても楽しいです😆明日は去年の決勝の相手!一気にレベル上がるけど、それを楽しみます!! #hongkong #badminton #nozomiokuhara #okuharanozomi