早在 2020 年 11 月 11 日,郭文貴就警告我們中共的 3F 計劃,不要接種疫苗! Back in 2020, on November 11th, Miles Guo had to warn us about the CCP's 3F plan and not take the vaccine! #freemilesguo #freeyvettewang #nfsc #mosenglish #13579plan #MattaofFact #Ryan #takedowntheccp
#freemilesguo #freeyvettewang #nfsc #mos #MIKECRISPI #takedowntheccp 艾娃指出了纽约南区法院检察官对王雁平的指控和对郭文贵的指控自相矛盾。 Ava pointed out that prosecutors in the Southern District of New York's accusation against Yvette Wang and Miles Guo contradict each other.
Miles Guo lost everything in mainland China to be able to tell people the truth. 郭文贵先生在中国大陆失去了一切,只为能够告诉人们真相。 @KerryCassidy #freemilesguo #freeyvettewang #@KerryCassidy #nfsc #mosenglish #moschinese #takedowntheccp #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平