🎄🌟 "Awaiting our Christmas Morning" むにゅむ様( #munyumu62 )の素敵な翻訳による英語版です。ご協力本当にありがとうございます! translated by munyumu #albelumi
#albelumi "Favonius' Gift, Aurum" EP1 When the Jelous Fang Shows ✔︎ EP2 Unearthed Pathos ✔︎ EP3 Rubedo, Written in the Stars ✔︎ EP4 translated by munyumu(#munyumu62) EP1
"May my Ashes Remain with You"(3/8) #albelumi translated by munyumu(#munyumu62)
"Curiosity Melts the Ice" #kaebedo #3L獣国 translated by munyumu(#munyumu62)
"Glaring Fate"(3/3) #Albedo #Rhinedottir translated by munyumu(#munyumu62) いつも丁寧な翻訳ありがとうございます🫶
『人造人間は深淵に恋をした』/ "Abyss Enamored Homunculus" (2/2) #アル蛍 #albelumi 姫蛍、FAです。 Story & Translation by munyumu(#munyumu62)
❄️🌻(2/2) 受け側だけど攻め姿勢なベド、そんなガイベドが好きです ※EN version starts from the 3rd picture translated by munyumu(#munyumu62) #ガイベド #kaebedo #3L獣国