Thank you for coming to the Mob Psycho 100 cosplay gathering!!!!! I hope you all enjoyed the experience:) #AnimeNYC2018 #mobpsycho100
New PV is HERE!!!!!!!! Enjoy some of the most epic clips from the 2nd season... :D January cannot come sooner....... #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
モブサイコ100 II Illustration #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
WHO IS READY FOR #mobpsycho100 SEASON 2 !?!?!?!? Ep.1 is going to be broadcasted on tv 📺 in less than 2hours in Japan..! It will be available to the fans overseas except Asia on @Crunchyroll shortly! #crunchyroll #モブサイコ100
For those of you in Asia! In China, you can watch it exclusively on @bilibiliweb !!! In Taiwan, many platforms including LINE TV Taiwan, IQIYI Taiwan etc! For other territories, stay tuned for further information... #mobpsycho100 #路人超能100
To the mob fans in the West! You can enjoy Mob Psycho 100 II 1000% more with @ShopCrunchyroll exclusive merch!!!!! These are limited items only so don’t miss the chance to purchase these cozy items from the Crunchyroll store!!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
You can even get this super squishy Ekubo plush too...!!! (残念ながらこれらの商品は日本からは購入できないようです…) #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
For those of you who don’t watch #mobpsycho100 season 2 legally on site such as @Crunchyroll @bilibiliweb @animaxasiatv IQIYI Taiwan, LiTV(Taiwan), Hamilton Video Taiwan and many more legally licensed sites/channels; This is what Reigen thinks of you.
MOB MONDAY IS BACK! Only 6 hours to go till Episode 4! What is Reigen up to!? Looks like MOB is tagging along as usual... Watch it on <World ex. Asia> #Crunchyroll <China> #bilibili <South East Asia> #animaxasia <Taiwan> #bahamut #iQIYI and many others! #mobpsycho100
Only 20mins to go until the Japanese broadcast of episode 4!!! It’s the beginning of an arc known as “Mogami Arc”... No spoilers but embrace yourself to a serious emotional ride... Get ready, or else you will be ending up shaking like Ekubo....... #mobpsycho100
Only 4hrs to go till the Japanese broadcast of #mobpsycho100 ep.5... Tonight we see Mob in a different world, as a non-psychic. With no friends and familiar faces, things are very different.... #モブサイコ100
im so so sososo.... thankful thankful100%🤪😭🤪😭 #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
MOB PSYCHO MONDAY IS BACK...! In the beginning of today’s episode, we are going to take a look back at how our beloved con-m... psychic master REIGEN started his “Spirit and such” office! Embrace yourself for ep.6 POOR, LONELY, WHITEY #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
Official (?) English website of “Sprit and Such” is now open for business! I’m sure Otaku senpais are feeling nostalgic...! 「霊とか相談所」の英語サイトが正式オープンしました! こちらでは霊幻に質問できるコーナーもあるそうです!興味深いですね…。 #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100 twitter.com/Crunchyroll/st…
MOB PSYCHO MONDAY is back!!! Only 4hrs to go until the first Japanese broadcast... Today, “internet psychic symbol” aka REIGEN is apprearing on national television!!! Ep.7 Cornored - True Identity - Where will be watching him from!?!? #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
Did you know “Sprit and Such” office is open in Shibuya until 25th!? If you have a chance, go visit special exhibition event at Gallery X by PARCO. By paying 300yen admission fee (same amount as Mob’s wage), you’ll get broccoli seeds too! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
🚨 MOB MONDAY ALERT 🚨 Huh!? Come again!? MOB is doing WHAT!? Only 4hrs to go till the Japanese broadcast! Ep.8: Even Then ~ Continue Forward ~ #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
🚨 MOB PSYCHO MONDAY 🚨 Who is still traumatized by the ending of ep.8...? Now mob is beyond 100%. Who can stop him now...? Ep.9 Show Me What You’ve Got ~ Band Together ~ Japanese broadcast in 4hrs!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
🚨 MOB PSYCHO MONDAY 🚨 The Claw has taken over Seasoning tower and gathering forces for world domination..! What is the plan that Mob is still not fit for battle!? REIGEN, SHOULD YOU BE EATING RAMEN NOW!?!? Episode 10: Collision ~ Power Type ~ #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
🚨MOB PSYCHO MONDAY 🚨 Ritsu&Sho takes on Shimazaki while MOB faces the plant-master Minegishi! Is it gonna feel like only 5mins like the last ep!?!? Ep. 9: Guidance ~ Psychic Sensor ~ Broadcasting starts in 4hrs (in Japan)!! FIGHT ON MOB!!!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
If you are around for #AnimeJapan2019 this weekend, make sure to drop by at Warner booth (J-15) to see “spirit and such” sign board lit up and get these cards and dress-up cutouts!!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
MOB-PSY-YUP!!! There will be a collaboration event at Honey & Butter shop in Irvine Spectrum California on April 6th! They will be selling these adorable looking macarons... If you are in the are, you should definitely go visit!!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100 #crunchyroll
🚨 MOB PSYCHO MONDAY 🚨 OMG IS IT ACTUALLY THE END OF THE SEASON ALREADY???!!?! I am no way near ready for the show down... but it’s coming... Are you ready? Is MOB ready??? Ep.13 Boss Battle - the last light - Coming soon!!! #mobpsycho100 #モブサイコ100
WOW WHAT A FINALE GUYS . . . ! I won’t spoil anything for those of you who haven’t seen it but we made an announcement about certain new... ehem... hmmm... Wait until #crunchyroll releases the news! #mobpsycho100 #onsen