【Exclusive Interview】YOSHIKI(6) [THE LAST ROCKSTARS] YOSHIKI Moving forward to the US tour! nybiz.nyc/gachi/yoshiki-… #TheLastRockstars #Yoshiki #miyavi #HYDE #sugizo
LAでのツァーファイナルまであと2日。 応援して欲しい。 2 days until the tour finale in Hollywood. Thanx for your support. Xx #YOSHIKI instagram.com/p/CoZr-X7rncP/ @LAST_ROCKSTARS @Veeps #TheLastRockstars #TLRS #yoshiki #hyde #sugizo #miyavi #drums #piano #XJAPAN
I don’t know when my last day playing #drums will come, but I’ll do my best till then. Tomorrow is tour finale in #Hollywood Thanx for your support…screeeam! #YOSHIKI Video from NYC instagram.com/p/CodkDzoA50g/ @LAST_ROCKSTARS #TheLastRockstars #TLRS #hyde #sugizo #miyavi @Veeps
We are having technical problems, hope our show will start shortly. So sorry for the inconvenience. 機材トラブルが起こっています。 大変申し訳ないです。 #Yoshiki @LAST_ROCKSTARS #thelastrockstars #hyde #sugizo #miyavi #TLRS
We’re going on now! Let’s rock the f**k out!! SCREEEEAAMM!! 機材準備できた。 叫べーーー #YOSHIKI @LAST_ROCKSTARS #thelastrockstars #hyde #sugizo #miyavi #TLRS
ところで、みんな元気? By the way, how's everyone doing? Xx #YOSHIKI instagram.com/p/CrITnwbvbkP/ Photo shoot in LA. #thelastrockstars #tlrs #cover #rollingstone #xjapan #xy #hyde #sugizo #miyavi #supergroup #fashion #rickowens