07 Aug 2022 Mr. Miles Guo: Whether or not the CCP invades Taiwan, the United States will flatten the CCP's military islands in the South China Sea, open up all oil transportation routes along Malacca, and make Taiwan de facto independent #milesguo #taiwan #taiwanindependence #ccp
07 Aug 2022 Mr. Miles Guo: Fraudulent accounting is the biggest financial harm to human beings in peacetime. In the future, blockchain media, blockchain finance will make distortion of history and misrepresentation of facts impossible #milesguo #blockchains #blockchaintechnology
Everything you want to know about Mr. Miles Guo #milesguo #miles #whistleblowermovement 谁是郭文贵?
In exchange to keep his life and his money, boss of Fosun Pharma, spilled the beans and doped in many a high ranking ccp officials. #ccp #fosunpharma #milesguo #milesguolive
Binance’s Zhao will too be hunted by the ccp Xi’s apparatus. #milesguo #binance #zhangchangpeng #ccp
文贵先生带领新中国联邦人正在与恶魔——中共作战,不是我们干掉他们,就是他们干掉我们,听上去将是一场激烈的战斗 文贵先生更爱被中共奴役的中国人! #cpac2023 #nfsc #milesguo #新中国眹邦
Nicole接受美国真实声音采访,讲到 #郭文贵 先生是中共的第一号的敌人,今天被 #FBI 强行带走,之后所住公寓还发生火灾。 #milesguo #takedowntheccp #weaponization #共产党是全世界灾难的根源 #共产党不能代表中国人
Nicole接受美国真实声音采访,讲到郭文贵先生是中共的第一号的敌人,今天被FBI强行带走,之后所住公寓还发生火灾。 ❗️这件事说明中共已经把美国司法系统武器化,包括:司法部、联邦调查局、证监会。 #milesguo #takedowntheccp #weaponization @RealAmericasVo1
立即释放郭文贵先生 Free Miles Guo Now 315事件是对郭文贵先生的诬陷和迫害打压 全球的新中国联邦人严重抗议,要求美国司法部和法庭还郭文贵先生的清白 让郭文贵先生回家 #315事件 #爆料革命 #郭文贵 #美国司法 #中共 #milesguo #国际新闻 #hotnews
立即释放郭文贵先生 Free Miles Guo Now 郭文贵先生创立了新中国联邦就是为了消灭中国共产党 为了这个目标, 郭文贵先生日夜操劳 为了这个目标,他被中共夺走了他的亿万资产 #315事件 #爆料革命 #郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #中国共产党 #milesguo
The real reason why Miles Guo was arrested: CCP fears that Mr. Guo will testify in Pras Michel's trial Miles Guo被捕的真正原因:CCP恐惧郭先生在Pras Michel的庭审中出庭作证,做实CCP对郭先生的迫害以及对美国🇺🇸的蓝金黄! #PrasMichel #FreeMilesGuo #milesguo twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Who is MILES GUO? 🔥有谁能挨过中共对郭文贵先生任何一次迫害?! 🔥有谁能在这么短的时间内创造一个一个奇迹?! 🔥有谁能让中共感到如此恐惧如此闻“郭”丧胆?! 🔥有谁能够凝聚如此巨大力量给世界带来清明?! #郭文贵 #milesguo #freemilesguonow gettr.com/post/p2dkf4pa9…
Thanks to @BobPickard, the world now knows what the culture of the CCP-controlled @AIIB_Official looks like, Thanks to #milesguo, the world now knows AIIB's role, more importantly, the goal of the CCP's unrestricted economic warfare against the U.S. - replacing the U.S.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…