The recently concluded Sony - State of Play broadcast confirmed that open-world action RPG Genshin Impact will officially release on PlayStation®4 this fall 2020. Watch the Genshin Impact gameplay trailer here >> youtu.be/nbCxicX8Wdo #GenshinImpact #miHoYo #PS4 #PlayStation4
It is power that is awakening. Kudos to Captain @raikoart for the stunning work! #miHoYo #Honkaiimpact3rd
[Lament of the Fallen] Kudos to Captain mush for the amazing art! (pixiv:pixiv.net/en/users/10877…) #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
#RaidenMeiTransformed Her purple hair flowing down her red and white armor... Mei's rocking the look on or off the battlefield! Kudos to Captain wt_raven for the brilliant art! #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
New oddly adorable stickers! Mei before and after transformation, clingy Bella... Which one is your favorite? #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
Chapter 5: Truth & Choice Herrscher of Thunder, henshin! Captains, the mini manga [The Birth of HoT] is complete! We hope Captains have learned more about Mei's story, and can finally answer Ai-chan's pop quizzes about her next time! #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
[Wallpapers] Summer Event Wallpaper Collection Chill out this summers in Deep Paradise with these wallpapers! Hit the link on your PC to download breathtaking wallpapers: honkaiimpact3.mihoyo.com/global/en-us/m… #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
⭐️⭐️ [Honkai Daily] ⭐️⭐️ Thanks, you better have a way to save Kiana Special thanks to our fan artist Marin Liekuriva (Twitter: @MarinLiekuriva ) for the lovely 4-Koma manga~~ #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
#CoolSummer Does anyone want to swim with me? Kudos to Captain Mania for the fabulous art! #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
I’ll enter the darkness and return you to bliss. Kudo to artist モ誰 for the wonderful art! #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
How are Mei's days like in the World Serpent? ◔‸◔’ Kudos to Captain 倫倫貓國王 for the amazing art! #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
Adorable Stickers Sharing The smol muffins of the day are Mei and World Serpent!(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑) #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
【TGS2020】 9月27日(日)東京ゲームショウ2020オンラインにて「TGS2020 原神リリース前夜!特別放送!」 の開催が決定! 新世代のオープンワールドRPG「原神」の魅力を余すことなくお伝えいたします! 放送日時▼ 9月27日(日) 21:00~ リンク▼ tgs-online.eventos.tokyo/web/portal/309… #原神 #miHoYo #TGS2020
Battlesuit [Fallen Rosemary] "Remembrance... is rosemary's floriograph." New S-rank Rita [Fallen Rosemary] will greet Captains in v4.2! Watch this trailer to find out more about this mysterious lady! Watch Now: youtu.be/XJaGQr8OX48 #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
#LabourDay Captain, how's the weather today? Would you like to go for a walk? Kudos the Captain @goldenthiago for the lovely art! #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
HI3 v4.2 [Rosemary's Nocturne] Trailer v4.2 [Rosemary's Nocturne] coming soon, S-rank Rita Rossweisse [Fallen Rosemary] debuts! Watch the trailer now: youtu.be/r3I4Z_CIlDU #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd #FallenRosemary
Ai-chan's Newsflash Battlesuit [Fallen Rosemary] debuts! Today's episode is all about the new farmable S-rank battlesuit - *insert drumroll* - [Fallen Rosemary]! Read now: honkaiimpact3.mihoyo.com/global/en-us/n… #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
Cooking with Valkyries S2 Episode 7: Ageless Spring is out now! What the legendary Celestial ingests will no longer remain a mystery! Watch now: youtu.be/fsqPpWCadHY #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd #CookingwithValkyriesS2
♥New farmable S-rank battlesuit [Fallen Rosemary] archive unsealed!♥ Tell Ai-chan how you feel~ QAQ #HonkaiImpact3rd #miHoYo
【交通広告のお知らせ】 原神リリースに先駆けて、ただいま山手線電車内まど上チャンネルにて15秒CMを放映中!おおよそ5分間隔で流れますので、山手線に乗る機会がある旅人さんは是非チェックしてみてくださいね!🥰 #miHoYo #原神 #Genshin
【交通広告のお知らせ】 9月15日(火)より、都内JR線17駅に原神のボード広告が掲示されます!(駅によって掲示日程が前後する場合があります)掲示される広告は各駅それぞれ違うキャラとなっております✨旅人さんは何人の仲間に出会えるでしょうか? ※駅について改めて告知致します✨ #miHoYo #原神
Fallen Rosemary 💜 Captains~ Are you ready for her? Kudos to Captain Mush for the stunning fanart! View more works by Mush: pixiv.net/users/10877489 #miHoYo #Honkaiimpact3rd
The Many Faces of Miss Rossweisse... Kudos to Captain @thqnqbjs for the wonderful creation! #miHoYo #HonkaiImpact3rd
#TGS2020 ゲスト情報】 9月27日(日)21:00より放送される「TGS2020 原神リリース前夜!特別放送!」 に、旅人(男性主人公)役の #堀江瞬 さんの出演が決定! 放送まであと少し!お楽しみに! ▼詳細 genshin.mihoyo.com/ja/news/detail… ※本放送は、事前収録番組となります。 #原神 #miHoYo
【地上波TVCM放映開始📺】 本日9月19日(土)より、全国主要都市の地上波にてTVCM放映を開始しました! 原神の魅力を伝える、全5バージョンの映像が流れます! 公式YouTubeチャンネルでもCM映像を公開しておりますので、ぜひチェックしてくださいね! ▼詳細 corp.mihoyo.co.jp/news/?id=151 #原神 #miHoYo