So this is mashiho senpai 🤩 competitive athlete 😌🏀 これが学校のマシホセンパイですね かっこいい アスリート @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho Birthday LED in Times Sq New York 😭💜 its so big, ahhh so happy for mashiho!! and ty yall (its every :38) マシホのセンイルタイムズスクエアニューヨークで見ました🗽お誕生日おめでとうましほくん❣️ @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho in New York 🥺💜 マシホはニューヨークへ❣️ @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho’s birthday cake msgs from his fam gonna make me cry 😭😭: “You being born was more than enough for us as parents...thank you♡” “We love your smile” “Adult Mashiho” “Happy to be able to see you, from kotetsu” @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호…
Mashiho on jpn album 1/3 ☺️💜トレジャーの日本アルバムのマシホ歌声大好きですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho playing w jeongwoo vs haruto 😅 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho debut music stage in korea, now japan 🥰 日本ステージデビューおめでとう〜 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 20200809 20210402
Mashiho profile: acrobatic specialty, a mega collection 😍 アクロバットマシホコレクション大好き @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho profile: Powerful delicate dancer mashiho 😍 マシホはパワフルかつ繊細なダンス @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho profile: An angel loved by everyone 💘🤦🏻みんなに愛される天使👼☁️ @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Growing collection of mashiho putting shoes away carefully ☺️ マシホはこういうところも好きだね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
#mashiho’s motivational words ♡
mashiho said here is your drum solo so u can stop asking 😆 ドラマソロあげるわもう聞かんて @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Avoiding mud like his life depended on it 🤣🤣 綺麗好きのマシホ @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho playing w asahi now that hes not cooking 😆 料理責任がなくて楽しそうですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho ending fairies 😆 どっちが本物のエンディング @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho is showing appreciation for all his birthday gifts, so sweet 🥺 So far Mashiho japan + china + thailand 😭💜 マシホは誕生日プレゼントの感謝をしてるんだね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Cannot forget this Mashiho in specs legend tho 😭 @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Many fansigns are asking mashiho to do his catch phrase “ore to orou ya!” (“Be with me” in jpn) 😆 ヨントンで「俺とおろうや」はマシホの名言セリフになったよね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
I dont know why this is funny but it is 😂 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー #mashiho #asahi
I thought yoshi and mashiho held hands bc of the bug but no they were already sleeping with hands held 🥺🐹🐯💗 マシホとヨシ手繋いで寝る事尊い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー #mashiho #yoshi
Loving mashiho dance details as usual 😭💘 for the full clip: @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호