🌼TREASURE - TREASURE STUDIO EP16 🐮🐹 This is my favourite scene. 🤣🤣❤️ Our Junghwan is born to play this game. Every members are so cute when they cheering Junghwan and Mashiho.☺️☺️🤣 - #treasure #트레저 #소정환 #SOJUNGHWAN #마시호 #mashiho #TRUZ #TREASURESTUDIO_EP16_REVIEW
Jline speaking japanese compilation 😆 love how theyre strategizing over dice roll @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー #yoshi #mashiho #asahi #haruto
Mashihos mom sounds so sweet, his dad wears his Treasure tshirt all the time 🥺 theyre so proud of him 😫 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #TREASUREMAP
Mashiho’s mom calling him “Mamo” 🥺 お母様が「マーモ」って読んでました見たいです @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #TREASUREMAP
If theyre this excited over a horseshoe 😂 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #TREASUREMAP
🌼TREASURE - 20210210 「animage」Magazine 🦙🐮🐹 🐹:燃えた ! 🐮:燃えた ! 🦙:...... -------------- #treasure #트레저 #treasurefanart #HARUTO #하루토 #소정환 #SOJUNGHWAN #마시호 #mashiho
Mashiho small dance details, as usual amazed by his body lines, consistent facial expressions & technical skills 🥺💘️ マシホのダンスディテールいつものように憧れて大好きですね youtu.be/NQe7edrJgIE @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho plays onstage and smiles with all members, no wonder they gave him happiness award 🥺💗 マシホはステージでメンバーと遊んでるのが好き、これを見て幸せ〜 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Jline sing and rap in their native language 😭 so happy for them, its beautiful 💗 イルメンが日本語で歌えることが出来て嬉しい〜 OUR BEAUTIFUL TREASURE #BEAUTIFULFullVersion #트레저 #TREASURE @treasuremembers #yoshi #mashiho #asahi #haruto
Mashiho on Mcountdown 🥺 babie @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
#mashiho after taking that pic with his shoe on the couch 🧍🏻‍♀️
Mashiho dance details ☺️ his fingers revealing how he trained in ballet + jazz & more マシホのダンスディテールいつも綺麗ですね 幼い頃からバレエとジャズと色んなダンス練習の影響かもね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
Mashiho emotional soft babie 😫🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭💜 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
🌼TREASURE - BEAUTIFUL 💜 MY TREASURE IS SO BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️ _________________________ #treasure #트레저 #treasurefanart #hyunsuk #jihoon #yoshi #junkyu #mashiho #jaehyuk #asahi #bangyedam #doyoung #haruto #jeongwoo #junghwan
The way mashiho pets jeongwoo 🥺💕ジョンウをなでなでするマシホ可愛さ @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #parkjeongwoo
Each flip is a different session but its stable and consistent, mashi & woo practiced so much 🥺💜 フリップは凄く安定でいっぱい練習したね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #parkjeongwoo
Im so proud ysl-nim trusted mashiho enough to choreograph his flip into the intro when he banned it 2yrs ago for his safety 😫crying💜 フリップ無事に出来ないマシホ2年後yslニムから信頼を貰ってパフォーマンスが出来るようになった おめでとう! @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho is maybe helping haruto with habit too 🥺 he really loves and takes cares of maknaes 😭💜 マシホはハルトもママの存在 マンネのお世話してる暖かいヒョンですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Did I make it.. You really did 🥺 デビと新人賞出来たよ おめでとう💕 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増
🐹 Mashiho Japanese acceptance speech at MAMA for Best New Male Artist 🥺💜 新人賞を受けるの日本語スピーチ @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #2020MAMA  #MAMA #Mnet #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 cr @mashikyu
Jeongwoo being soft for mashiho so cute 🥺 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Thinking about TMAP season 2 & mashiho being so scared he could only speak japanese 😆💜 日本語しかでへんマシホやっぱ最高 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Pikachu vs Mashiho 👤Please defeat Pikachu with aegyo! 🐹 😬EEEE!! 👤lololol 🐹 😂 👤Good work Mashiho! Now go back in! (to pokeball) 🐹 I dont wanna~~ (ducks) 🐹 🤣🤣 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 mashi is bratty pokemon 😂🥺 twitter.com/tre_kawaiimaru…