#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」はカナダの第24回ファンタジア国際映画祭(8/20-9/2)で上映が決定! TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from the #OsamuTezuka #manga by his son @MacotoTzk has been selected to play at the 24th @FantasiaFest from Aug 20-Sep 2! fantasiafestival.com/en/news/first-…
goodbye to my girlfriend (1/2) #yuri #manga #wlw #lgbt #comic
my first time being in love with a girl (full manga in replies) #yuri #manga #wlw #lgbt #comic
🌸運動会のちょっとした話🌸 佐々木:「誰、あのイケメン?」 平野:「落ち着けぇ、お前の彼氏だろう」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 参考:可愛いだけじゃない式守さん #art #artwork #artist #drawing #anime #manga #sasakiandmiyano #sasamiya #佐々木と宮野 #ささみゃー #平野
#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」は第21回全州国際映画祭で上映が決定!(6/9〜9/20の内複数回)上映予定 TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from the #OsamuTezuka #manga by his son @MacotoTzk has been selected to play at the 21st Jeonju Film Festival @JEONJU_IFF! eng.jiff.or.kr/db/movieView.a…
I got dumped by my girlfriend (1/2) #yuri #manga #wlw #lgbt #comic
virgin goes on first date (pt 2) (1/2) #yuri #manga #wlw #lgbt #pride
virgin goes on first date (pt 3) (1/2) #yuri #yurimanga #manga #wlw #lgbt #comic
The English edition has been published! "THE SINGLE LIFE vol.1: 60-year-old lesbian who is single and living alone" amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BVYSS7G3 #manga #LGBTQ #LGBT #SOGI #sexualminority #AKIKO #森島明子
Uh-oh, looks like Monika is experiencing an ERROR 404. Let's reboot her~ 🖱💦 #nsfw #hentai #manga #DDLC 💙 Support me on Patreon for more yummy art :3 patreon.com/bluethebone
#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」はスウェーデンの第43回ヨーテボリ国際映画祭でインターナショナルコンペティション上映が決定! TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from #OsamuTezuka’s #manga by @MacotoTzk selected to the Intl. Comp of the 43rd @gbgfilmfestival program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/program/bc5fa6…
Miyuki is single, female and a lesbian. No girlfriend, no life partner... and today is her 60th birthday. This is the first in a series of short stories that portray the single life of those who are of a sexual minority and are middle to senior aged. #manga #LGBTQ
【新着動画】 #松井優征 先生が #暗殺教室#殺せんせー を描くドローイング動画を公開! 丸いお顔のシルエットを描くコツなどなど、松井先生のコメンタリー満載です。 フルVerはこちら:youtu.be/_eqxZ3aTGPE #逃げ上手の若君 #ジャンプ #manga #drawing
We opened the doors to the SoulZ discord 3 weeks ago, and we’ve had the most unbelievable time watching grow and interacting with you all!! What’s been your favourite moment of being in our discord server so far?❤️ #nft #NFTCommunity #anime #manga #SoulZRamen #SoulZ #AnimeNFTs
⏱12 days to go and we can’t wait to meet all our SoulZ warriors! What traits are you hoping you get? #AnimeNFT #NFTs #manga #SoulZ
#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」は台湾の第7回桃園映画祭(10月9-23日)でクロージングフィルム決定! TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from the #OsamuTezuka #manga by @MacotoTzk has been selected as the closing film of the Taoyuan Film Festival (Oct 9-23)! tyff.taoyuancf.org.tw
#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」はオランダのシネマジア映画祭で2回の上映が決定! TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from the #OsamuTezuka #manga by his son @MacotoTzk will play twice in #Holland @cinemasia_nl cinemasia.nl/en/films/tezuk… Fest Trailer youtu.be/QY-kZblJR-k #稲垣吾郎