Actual footage of me today, my baby girl is ill again. Exam pressure getting the best of her. #beliefcodingsessionpending #poorly #therealkrystalfox #krystal #foxes #mumlife Thank you for this @Aarza886 and 生垣ユキナ @Namagaki_Yukina for creating it 💞
What a lovely image to be sent by the lovely artist: @NorthEa42268761 Capturing me, in my bath lol.. at the end of a very busy yet fulfilling day.. Mulling over the day's events, peacefully and gratefully... #therealkrystalfox #krystalfox #krystal #foxes #loveourfans
💞💞💕❣️❣️💫💫💫💫💫💫💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 THANK U TO EACH & EVERY ONE OF MY FOLLOWERS!! I never imagined I would have so many followers never mind 8k of you lovely, wonderful beings. So grateful for you all sharing my little corner of the internet #muchlove #krystal
I swear my laptop listens to me or my patrons are totally telepathic!!... Tonight we have been hen-party/trip planning for September... Get me to that beach please! #IBIZA #HENDO #GIRLSONTHEBEACH #BIKINIS #realkrystalfox #krystal #sfa @teranentwii #thankyou
O.H M.Y. W.O.R.D...... Too cute... so cute... What a beauty... Who doesn't love a chicken nugget lol @ChocEnd #krystalfox #krystal #realkrystal #sfa
Me wondering what to eat for supper tonight.... #krystal #therealkrystalfox #sfa #dinner #pondering twitter.com/Lumic_4/status…
A very spicy piece!!... But the female body is beautiful... We should honour it, respect it and not shame it, in all its forms!! #krystal #therealkrystalfox twitter.com/Mcfli4/status/…
In the light that it is also Wednesday in less than an hour for me... I bid you all na night and leave you with a modest piece around #krystal's bottom lol. Happy Hump Day everyone! #goodnight #krystal #starfox #wishmygluteswerethisgood
In the light that it is also Wednesday in less than an hour for me... I bid you all na night and leave you with a modest piece around #krystal's bottom lol. Happy Hump Day everyone! #goodnight #krystal #starfox #wishmygluteswerethisgood
WOW WOW WOW...💞❣️💕💕💕💕 This has to be one of my all time fave pieces. #beautiful #doeyeyed #krystal #therealkrystalfox #hi Artist @JECBrush #thankyouforshating @ScrubzyFox
Well this one is another beauty... Thank you @ScrubzyFox for sending it to me! @RoksoDraws - you have #skills #krystal #therealkrystalfox #sfa #gaming #femaleempowerment #readmymind
I've been looking at how rarely I stand in my feminine energy. The female is to embody self care, self-love and being proud. The Devine feminine is to receive, to surrender and to receive. If you're not this can make us ill Thank you @GiixLui #krystal #allowhealing
Purple hair I just don't care..... Why is she giving me Bianca vibes from the Rescuers... #LOVE the hair colour.... @hacatiko #krystalfox #krystal #starfoxadventures #foxy #fanart #artists
NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!!!! HELP!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫 IF ANYONE IS OUTSTANDING ANY WORK FROM ME, PLEASE DM ME!!!!! #THANKYOU 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Art by @foxinshadow_art #VOICEWORK #krystal
I like stormy nights & full moons. I like wolves (eek) & wild water. I like to wander & I like to adventure. I like unpredictable kisses & conversations full of unexpected truth. I like thinks that have soul. They make me feel free. #therealkrystal #krystal #thankyou @kiwanoni
クリスタル💎 #starfox #krystal
メスケモふたり。体格差萌え🦊 #starfox #krystal #RatchetAndClank #Rivet
So... @SkiddDog commissioned a few lines from me a few weeks ago to go with his #art... and this is his verrrryyyy curvy creation! I really do think #krystal is THE epitome of the wellness girl #bodybuilding #krystalkurvs #therealkrystal #thankyou
I definitely do not look this now, I'm far fluffier lol, enjoying my food and the weights... I found this in my archives, typical pose. BUT something good had to come out of lockdown right??@HeroModeMedian #gymlife #foundations #babyabs #krystal #realkrystal #krystalfox
Friday Feels.... Another favorite by @VSoftcuddles #krystal #datenight #foxmccloud #sfa #realkrystalfox #fanart #gaminglife So cute and loveable..
When all those around you are losing their heads... ...Show them who's BOSS! @pink_erie busting Krystal's moves out.... #fight #ladyboss #empowered #krystal #realkrystal #krystalfox #grateful #thankyou
HAPPY HUMP DAY TEAM #KRYSTAL!! The former part of the week is officially over!! #thankgoodness #wednesday #krystal #realkrystal #sfa #gaminglife #thankyou @hanadaiteol