💬 Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cutest of them all? 🎭 That's meeee! x3 🎭 That's me, right? Tell me I'm cute, okay?🐱 나 귀엽다고 말해줘! #knoxclips #albanlive
🎭: 안녕하세요, 저는 알반입니다! 🎭: 저는 Minecraft를 좋아해요~ 💬: oppa saranghae 🎭: 나도 사랑해요🧡 🎭: 천재? 고마워 땡뀨 감사합니댜아 이제 한글도 다시 읽을 수 있대 천재고양이 alban kpop idol arc 😳😳 #knoxclips
알반의 실전 한국어 교실(ft. Mickey-kun) 🎭: Oppa jaebal hajimaa #knoxclips
🎭 No more pictures, nyooo 🎭 ダメ、写真だめぇぇ wth tenchou this is painfully cute 🫠 #knoxclips #albanlive
[🔗&👟fall into water but can‘t get back to the boat] 🦁: I'm sorry guys we have to leave you 🔗: no! how could youuuu (slowly float to the monster) 👟: I'm right here tho (still grabbing the boat) 🎭: (singing titanic theme song) 💀💀💀 #Brisklips #ShuClip #lucalive #knoxclips
🎭 You're so pretty! 🎭 AAAAAAAA!!! I lied!!! no no nonono 예쁘다고 하자마자 얼굴 뜯어내는 귀신 보고 비명 작렬하는 고양이 #knoxclips
🎭 They give people🖐 🎭 two packets✌️ 🎭 because they're like👋 🎭 these guys gonna fuck up🖐 🎭 and that person🖐 🎭 is ME!!!👆 all the gestures as he talks LMAO #albanlive #knoxclips
🎭 Noona, hold my hand 누나한테 손 잡아달라는 연하남 녹스 실존 #nagilive #knoxclips
Niji Zomboid Collab Members will be 🎭 Alban 🎣 Bonnie 🐑 Fulgur 🔗 Sonny 🐠 Finana 🌺 Layla 🦁 Luca 📌 Mika 🎰 Nina 👻 Reimu 🔦 Siska 🌊 Suha Thank you for setting up the big collab, Tenchou🧟🧡 #knoxclips
🎭: I've recently been practicing my JP conversation with 🔗 🎭: A few days ago we spent hours just practicing and he taught me a lot... I feel more comfortable speaking now 🎭: We were just playing Zomboid and chatting in JP JP practice with Sonny🥹 #knoxclips
💬 Can we get a chu? 🎭 I'll think about it, hmph! I can't spoil you, hmph 🎭 I guess, I can... this is just a bro thing, okay? It's not anything special or anything, okay? 🎭 *CHU* there you go 츤데레 고양이가 뽀뽀해주는 영상😽 #knoxclips
🎭: 🔗 gave me candy to go somewhere, and I was like "yay this is great" 🎭: And then the next panel, I was at the fxcking dentist! And I was crying through like a sheet Alban talking about the picture of Sonny taking him to the dentist🦷🍭 #knoxclips
🎰 Alban, I found some dog food for you baby 🎭 I'M A CAT!! 🎭 ...No, I'm not a cat!! #knoxclips from the first zomboid collab
👻 Abang is like oniichan. Maybe one day, you'll be in a situation where you need to TSKR... 🎭 I know who I can call that!! Uh, umm, okay 👻 WHAT 👻 I know you're gonna say Sonny, Abang Sonny~ 🎭 nyoooo don't say it 👻 You can practice here~ #mika_live #knoxclips
*everyone died and 🐑 managed to escape* 🎭: Go Fulgur GOOO!! 🐑: Oh god, Noctyx noooo! Noctyx whyyy 🎭: At least one of us survived.. 🔮: Its Legatus505 #ukilipse #ovideos #knoxclips #Brisklips
💬(1ke's mama): Today's costume is very handsome 🎭: Thank you, is it handsome enough to be Alban's mama for a day? he was extra smooth today #knoxclips
🎭 What's wrong? Why are you scared? Don't be scared🙂🔪 🌧️ ...미친 새끼... 🎭 Did you just call me a crazy person?! She just called me a crazy person in Korean!! 🌧️ no noooo why do you know that tenchou please stop being good at Korean💀 #knoxclips #nagilive
🐑: aaaahh yamete~ 🔗: はぁ?💢 🎭: はにゃ〜🧡 후쨩 신음소리+빡친 대장+고양이 신음소리? 이 종합선물세트 뭐죠 #ovideos #brisklips #knoxclips
🔗: I thought Uki was more of a catcher than a pitcher 🔗: ...thank you 🌤: Sonny? 🎭: Oh, Sonny~ 👟: Wait, what? 🔗: Nothing, I love baseball The silence was so freaking loud LMAO #brisklips #Pencast #Shuclip #knoxclips
Alban used to listen to a lot of Korean songs! He said Tablo is one of his favorite all-time artists🥹🧡 한국 노래 얘기하면서 아티스트 이름 줄줄 나오는거 너무 신기함ㅋㅋㅋ #knoxclips
🎭 I'm gonna get embarrassed, stop 🎭 Don't call me that(cute), you're gonna embarrass me... stop excuse me sir the shy voice?? for free?? and the cute wink at the end #knoxclips
👟: daz crazy, chaos, daz crazy 🎭: pause 🔗: pause, daz crazy 🦁: www 🔗: That should have been his line #lucalive #Shuclip #Brisklips #knoxclips
💬 Did you know you can win if you game without pants? 🎭 Okay, how about this? What if I game without a shirt? 🎭 *takes off his shirt* 🎭 There we go! This is THE GAME, this is where I win tenchou went shirtless and takaradachi got distracted #knoxclips
Sonny and Alban learning how to say "I love you otouto" and "I love you oniichan" in Korean😳 im blessed #knoxclips #brisklips
🎭: I gotta sneeze... I gohha nn deh deh? ehh... 🎭: It flew away! It's gone, damnit 기침 나올 것 같아서 흥앵애 으에에 하고 찡얼대는 아기고양이 실존 #knoxclips