Leona from King of Fighters,drew her a couple of years back. #kingoffighters #snk #fanart
Speaking of #SNK , here are some of the Angel sketches I did for the recent Patreon illustration. I might try to take some of these other ones to completion. #kingoffighters ##KOF25周年 #KOF #アンヘル #Angel
【THE KING OF FIGHTERS’98展〜KOFオロチ編 in 墓場の餓狼〜】 墓場の画廊ならではのグッズが多数登場! さらに KOF’98大会も開催決定! くわしくは墓場の画廊HPにて! hakabanogarou.jp/west/8456/ #KOF98 #KOF #kingoffighters #キングオブファイターズ
Today is Angel's birthday apparently owo Here's an illustration I didn't get around to finishing, but I figure I might as well post the WIP today. #angel #kof #kingoffighters #アンヘル生誕祭 #アンヘル
フォクシー #KOF #FANART #kingoffighters
"Did you think you could beat me! Go home!" - Terry Bogard Long time no see You Terry! ❤️ Be ready because February will bring a couple of new cosplay about some Fighting games 🔥 #terrybogard #kingoffighters #fatalfury #cosplay
KING OF POP is back !!!! 👑 YES!!!! #King is back for #KOFXV THANK YOU @SNKPofficial !!! #キング #SNK #kingoffighters Stay Tuned for Her artwork 🥰 You can follow my Twitter & Instagram too for the upcoming King art! Instagram: @richardsuwono
Leona Heidern レオナ・ハイデルン #kingoffighters #KOF #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ
Yo! Nippon icchi! 🔥🔥🔥 #maishiranui #kingoffighters #kof #nsfw 💙 Mai Shiranui NSFW paizuri blowjob action + alternate versions on my Patreon: patreon.com/posts/53504660
B. Jenet vs. King! Back in Dec, B. Jenet was the winner of the Patreon illustration poll. I had extra sketches of her as a result. This is one of those sketches taken to complete illustration, plus some bonus King content as well oho~ The BG is from KoF 11. #kingoffighters
Got my copy of KOF XV in the mail yesterday, so here's some KOF stuff, yeah ! #KOFXV #kingoffighters
These Angel and B. Jenet pics are from previous monthly illustrations #KOFXV #kingoffighters
キングオブファイターズのレオナです。 #KOF15 #KOFXV #kingoffighters #leonaheidern
KOF Girl's Banner #KOF #kingoffighters