Please RT🐿💜💜 🎉💞THANK YOU🎉💞 ホビたん最高の1日になりますように💜💜💜 #uarmyhope #IAmYourHope #jhopeAtMama2022 💜WE LOVE YOU HOBI💜 I love listening for my favorite songs #jhope_Arson and #jhope_MORE and #jhope_EqualSign from the album #JackInTheBox by #jhope @BTS_twt
📣#BTS info 🏆2022 MAMA Awards🏆 👑 Worldwide Icon of the Year ✨ 🌟BTSが受賞しました🌟 🎊5年連続受賞おめでとうございます🎊 投票されたARMYお疲れ様でした🥰👏 #jhope #2022MAMAAWARDS #jhopeAtMama2022 #jhope_MORE #jhope #JackInTheBox @BTS_twt
Please RT🐿💜💜 💐💞THANK YOU💐💞 Jack In The Box🤡💜 #uarmyhope #IAmYourHope #jhopeAtMama2022 💜WE LOVE YOU HOBI💜 I love listening for my favorite songs #jhope_Arson and #jhope_MORE and #jhope_EqualSign from the album #JackInTheBox by #jhope @BTS_twt JITB is AMAZING💜
Please RT🐿💜💜 🌈💞THANK YOU🌈💞 🎉Welcome to Japan J-HOPE🎉 #IAmYourHope #jhopeAtMama2022 💜WE LOVE YOU HOBI💜 I love listening for my favorite songs #jhope_Arson and #jhope_MORE and #jhope_EqualSign from the album #JackInTheBox by #jhope @BTS_twt JITB is AMAZING💜
「J-HOPEは全てを注ぐ」 韓国記者が読み解くK-POPの祭典 今年のMAMA AWARDSの見どころを、韓国の英字新聞「コリアヘラルド」で、K―POPを担当するホン・ダムヨン記者に聞いた。 🅰️朝日新聞デジタル #MAMA2022 #JHOPE #jhopeAtMama2022 #btsjhope #BTS #KPOP…
Please RT🐿💜💜 🌈💞THANK YOU🌈💞 j-hope💜 Jack In The Box🤡💜 #IAmYourHope #jhopeAtMama2022 💜WE LOVE YOU HOBI💜 I love listening for my favorite songs #jhope_Arson and #jhope_MORE and #jhope_EqualSign from the album #JackInTheBox by #jhope @BTS_twt JITB is AMAZING💜
Please RT🐿💜💜 💐💞THANK YOU💐💞 j-hope💜 Jack In The Box🤡💜 #IAmYourHope #jhopeAtMama2022 💜WE LOVE YOU HOBI💜 I love listening for my favorite songs #jhope_Arson and #jhope_MORE and #jhope_EqualSign from the album #JackInTheBox by #jhope @BTS_twt JITB is AMAZING💜
また、下記ハッシュタグを世界トレンドにしていきたいので、ぜひ!皆さまのホビへの深〜い愛❤️をハッシュタグとともにツイートして下さいね💜 #jhopeAtMama2022 #IAmYourHope WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU J-HOPE #jhope #JHOPE #ジェイホープ #BTSjhope #ホソク #제이홉 #MAMAAWARDS #2022MAMAAWARDS