*barcode spelling jeff’s insta and being proud of himself* j: great!! b: and as for mine mc: let jeff say it *jeff spelling barcode’s insta* b: ouii how’d you remember it *sounding proud* *jeff smiling + shrugging* #LOrealExcellenceXJeffBarcode #jeffcode #jeffsatur #barcodetin
jeff : you need to ask my senior (referring to barcode) barcode : wow senior? how old are you? jeff : i’m 17 barcode : i’m 27 mc : this norng jeff and p barcode #LOrealExcellenceXJeffBarcode #jeffcode #jeffsatur #barcodetin
translation from bc’s tik tok: jeff: ok… i surrender barcode: p jefff i’ll give some to you 555 #JeffSatur #barcodetin #jeffcode #JeffBarcode
no because this is really giving me protective older boyfriend vibes😭😭😭🫠🫠🫠 b: okayy sweet dreams na kub b: got scolded by p tepp #JeffBarcode #jeffcode #jeffsatur #BarcodeTinnasit