What’s more exciting than having <What’s Wrong> <Spirit of the Knights> <Inner World> <Lost Dessert> <Bravery> <Coming Home> <A Stroke of Jianghu> <Ears> all presenting tonight! #青春有你 #iqiyi
《青春有你2》初评级舞台纯享:#权笑迎#徐百仪#阿依莎 《眉飞色舞》!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #YouthWithYouEP02 YWY Initial Evaluation Performance:#YeongQuan#PumpkinXu ,and #Aishah 《Eyebrows Dancing With Joy》!
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照17:陈艺文、段艺璇、李熙凝、王姝慧。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 17:Hazel Chen,DDD,Bobo Li,Sophia Wang. #iqiyi #青春有你
“The passion inside of you is what actually shines brightly.” Could our youth trainees shine on stage during group competition with their burning passion and get acknowledged by their mentor Xu Minghao? Let’s find out on Fridays at 8 pm. #青春有你 #iqiyi #徐明浩青春有你