Psst! Secret update: We just finished decorating! We'll take you to the exciting site of the Youth With You season 2 conference:Initial Launch at 1:00PM on 9 January(Beijing Time)! Set your alarm~ #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #LISA #LALISA #陈嘉桦 #Ella #JONYJ
The press conference of Youth With You season 2 has the assistance from the leadership team in iQIYI. It will reveal X mentor surprisingly. The Youth Producers, let’s expect together!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
The conference site has not only the Mentor Squad with lovely and beautiful appearance, but also Guangzhou food which are especially delicious. Are there anyone eager for them?#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
Our Youth Producers' Representative KUN is looking so cool in his black suit. But when he smiles, OMG, he's sweeter than sugar itself! Youth Producers, hurry and come claim these new pics! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน
Our Dance Mentor LISA's black dress perfectly displays her tiny waist and super long legs! Every single shot from the Press Conference is gorgeous enough to use as wallpaper. Youth Producers, help yourselves~#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #LISA #LALISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #ラリサ
音乐导师陈嘉桦Ella身穿金属质感复古长裙,美飒出席昨日发布会现场,大家有被美到吗? Our Vocal Mentor Ella wore a retro metallic gown to yesterday's Press Conference. Isn't it breathtaking?#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #陈嘉桦 #ella #陳嘉樺ella
Our Rap Mentor JONY J's hip "street look" isn't simple at all. He creates wonders with words and brings unexpected gifts. Are you prepared for his "interesting soul"?#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #jonyj
甜坤、盐坤、工作坤、舞台坤,每一面都让人心空,你最爱他的那一面呢?顺便期待一下节目的严厉坤吧~Every side of KUN is so enticing, which do you love the most? BTW, let's look forward to his strict side in the show your hands! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun
Can't get our Dance Mentor LISA's mesmerizing moves off your mind? Next week,something MAJOR is gonna happen! Are u curious? Put your hands up! Remember to be online in time for the surprise! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou
音乐导师Ella和舞蹈导师LISA互动也太可爱啦~Ps.如果你能对LISA说悄悄话,你会说什么? Vocal Mentor Ella and Dance Mentor LISA are so cute together! P.S. What would you say if you can whisper in LISA's ear? #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #LISA #LALISA #WhisperToLisa #陈嘉桦 #ella
想知道《青春有你2》训练生都来自哪些经纪公司吗?戳下图揭开谜底!Do you wanna know which agencies sent trainees to Youth With You Season 2? Click the chart, see them all! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
来了来了,真的来了,选手就要和大家见面了,青春制作人们千万不要走开啊~They're coming!!! The trainees will be meeting everyone. Youth Producers, let's look forward to our lovely girls. #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
Are you ready!Youth Producers' Representative KUN and Rap Mentor JONY J took our trainees to HappyCamp ! Can't wait to see their performance on that show! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน #jonyj #快乐大本营 #HappyCamp
青春上线,奔跑不止,解锁未知可能,我们和训练生一样:多远都可以到达!The Youth With You journey is about to begin! Get ready to unlock unknown possibilities on the way with our trainees. We'll get there, no matter how far! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
每一位训练生都值得大家关注和喜爱,109位训练生全体在此集合,快来认识一下她们吧~ Every trainee deserves to be seen and liked. All 109 contestants are assembled here. Come and meet them! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
《青春有你2》首次公演录制门票大放送!青春制作人们赶紧戳下图了解规则,迅速参与起来吧 We're giving away tickets to the first public stage performance of #YouthWithYou ! Youth Producers, hurry and find out the rules by clicking the picture below. #iqiyi #青春有你
才不相信一见钟情这件事呢,直到我遇到了她~哪位小可爱会成为这个幸运儿?选出你的初pick吧!I never believed I will fall in love at first sight until I met her~Come and share your one and your first pick!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #youthwithyou2020
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照1:蔡卓宜、杜紫怡、傅如乔、刘令姿。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 1: JOEY CHUA,Ziyi Du,Meddhi Fu,Lingzi Liu. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照2:刘亚楠、权笑迎、文哲、希娅。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 2: Uah Liu,Yeong Quan,Shirley,Thea. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照3:许杨玉琢、符雅凝、刘雨昕、上官喜爱。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 3:Eliwa Xu、Jessie Fu,XIN Liu,Frhanm Shangguan. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照4:宋昕冉、王思予、徐轸轸、姚依凡。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 4:Xinran Song,Jane Wang,Zizi Xu,Eva Yao. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照5:夏研、邹思扬、安崎、靳阳阳。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 5: Yan Xia,Seven Zou,Babymonster An,Sunny Jin.#iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照6:林韦希、陆柯燃、苏杉杉、王雅乐。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 6: Kelly Lin,K Lu,Air Su,Yealy Wang. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照7:谢可寅、张天馨、周琳聪、戴萌。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 7:Shaking,Jacqueline Zhang,Lynn Zhou,Diamond. #iqiyi #青春有你
初次见面,请多关照!训练生制服照8:韩东、何美延、沈莹、王瑶瑶。 Nice to meet you, hope to get your support! #YouthWithYou Uniform Photos Group 8:HanDong,HAMY He,Kuliko Shen,Yaoyao Wang. #iqiyi #青春有你