Our Youth Producers' Representative KUN is looking so cool in his black suit. But when he smiles, OMG, he's sweeter than sugar itself! Youth Producers, hurry and come claim these new pics! #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน
The conference site has not only the Mentor Squad with lovely and beautiful appearance, but also Guangzhou food which are especially delicious. Are there anyone eager for them?#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
The press conference of Youth With You season 2 has the assistance from the leadership team in iQIYI. It will reveal X mentor surprisingly. The Youth Producers, let’s expect together!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
Psst! Secret update: We just finished decorating! We'll take you to the exciting site of the Youth With You season 2 conference:Initial Launch at 1:00PM on 9 January(Beijing Time)! Set your alarm~ #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #LISA #LALISA #陈嘉桦 #Ella #JONYJ
来啦来啦他们来啦!“蔬菜沙拉”最强导师天团即将合体~工作证准备好了,发布会要和四位导师一起打卡上班,好兴奋鸭! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน #LISA #LALISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #ラリサ #blackpink #블랙핑크 #陈嘉桦 #Ella #JONYJ
Youth With You season 2 has started its first shoot! The Mentor Squad and the trainees are meeting for the first time. Here are some pics from the set. Isn't the blue & white color scheme absolutely dreamy? Watch out! The girls are coming!!!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
《青春有你2》录制地长隆有多美,看了才知道!发几张给大家尝尝鲜,想去看一看的请举手As Youth With You's new home, Chime Long is a real paradise! Look at the pictures to get a first taste. Is it so beautiful that you want to visit? Show me your passion #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
Youth With You Dance Mentor LISA has left for Guangzhou,China,and will start the new voyage with trainees.Let’s get excited!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #LISA #LALISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #ラリサ #WelcomeMentorLalisa #欢迎lisa导师
The new voyage of Youth With You is about to embark! Accompanied by loving and supportive Youth Producers like you, we shall steadfastly believe: We'll get there, no matter how far! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou
Youth Producers, how's your weekend going? Let's chill and check out Dance Mentor LISA's graceful yet powerful wave + alluring glance! She's so sizzling hot! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #LISA #LALISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #ラリサ #blackpink #블랙핑크
青春制作人代表蔡徐坤、舞蹈导师LISA、音乐导师陈嘉桦Ella、说唱导师JONY J组成的《青春有你2》常驻导师团已上线~欢迎青春制作人们参与取名,你取的名字很有可能会被挑选成最终导师团名,是不是很有仪式感?现在快给我评论吧! #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #LISA #陈嘉桦 #Ella #JONYJ
青春制作人代表蔡徐坤一直用心打磨音乐,为大家呈现一个又一个优质的舞台作品。这样的热爱我们都看在眼里~一起说说你最喜欢蔡徐坤哪一首歌? #iqiyi #青春有你 #youthwithyou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน
Check out the new uniform for Youth with You! Sharp little suit jackets paired with classic pleated skirts, it's sooooo cute that it sends us right back to school! Can't wait to see the idol trainees in them. Youth Producers, do you dig this?#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
《青春有你2》解锁新地标!跨越季节的变换,我们来到了美丽的花城中国广州,在温暖的阳光下共同守护训练生们美好的梦想。全新的地标、全新的舞台,全新的导师阵容,这个春天让我们和训练生们一起在广州绽放。 #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
【MIC TIME 4 U】“人间芭比”LISA在舞台上热情奔放,私下又甜美可爱,你是因为什么被舞蹈导师LISA圈粉的呢?说一说你眼中的她吧~ #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #LISA #LALISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #ラリサ #blackpink #블랙핑크
【MIC TIME 4 U】拥有C位出道的颜值,热爱音乐又努力进取。青春制作人代表蔡徐坤最吸引你的是什么?马上就要见到新鲜的蔡徐坤啦,快来分享你们和他的故事吧!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน
青春制作人们新年快乐,《青春有你2》与你相约2020,新年也请多多关照啦~ Happy New Year Youth Producers! Youth With You 2 will see you in 2020. Please keep supporting us in the new year~#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
《青春有你2》全新常驻导师阵容来袭,青春制作人代表蔡徐坤、舞蹈导师LISA、音乐导师陈嘉桦Ella、说唱导师JONY J与你一起青春追梦,更多“无限X”惊喜持续解锁中,期待吧~ #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน #LISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #陈嘉桦 #Ella #JONYJ
She's a talented singer endowed with a stunning voice. She's the multi-faceted queen who has the courage to be herself. Let's welcome Vocal Mentor Ella to Youth With You season 2!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou2020 #陈嘉桦 #Ella #陳嘉樺Ella
Announcing the Youth With You season 2 Youth Producer Representative—— KUN! Welcome home! Let's embark together once again, from the place where dreams started. #iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #蔡徐坤 #caixukun #kun #차이쉬쿤 #ช่ายสวี่คุน
《青春有你2》官方账号已就位,欢迎大家来认领~Here are all the official accounts of Youth With You Season2, come and claim them!#iqiyi #青春有你 #YouthWithYou
【舞台纯享】张艺兴合作舞台《爱到这》 【Performance Cut】Zhang Yixing’s collaborative show “Give Me A Chance” m.iqiyi.com/v_19rsisosfs.h… youtu.be/20W7bUHKJMA #青春有你 #iqiyi #王加一 #姚明明 #林陌 #胡文煊 #许珑瀚 #徐方舟
Qingchunyouni EP11 Mentor Corporation Stage is finally here! Watch those fun moments along with the six corp stages all in one episode! m.iqiyi.com/v_19rsithcqs.h… m.iqiyi.com/v_19rsitnxjk.h… #青春有你 #iqiyi
The group photo is no longer crowded and filled with familiar faces of our trainees, but success takes time and hard work will ultimately pay off, we believe that all of our trainees will shine brighter on a grater stage. #青春有你 #iqiyi
Attention: Qingchunyouni is now calling up for the debut group name! Comment down below with a creative name and explain why, we are thrilled to hear back from all of you! #青春有你 #iqiyi