The Investigation Ep.2 - 831 MTR Terrorist Attack by Hong Kong Police youtu.be/ZOUN8Cca_Lg Credit list: Pakkin Leung@Rice Post TVB Social Record Channel LostDutch #HKGETV #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
Inhumane case: Police refused to follow advise by FA and lead to delaying medical treatment. It could be death in the worst case. By the interview with FA. youtu.be/Gt2xoiuOWQo #HKGETV #humanitariancrisis #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
927 Manifesto by Hong Kong San Uk Ling Human Rights Concern Group Video broadcasted on 27/9. Please concern the Human Rights of San Uk Ling & spread the message. Thank you. @SolomonYue @amnestyusa @amnestyHK youtu.be/wYIqGfJ5FYQ #HKGETV #SanUkLing #inhumane #torture