Bobby: Hey, tell me something Jinan-san Jinhwan: I'm practicing for a musical ?: Sing a little bit Jinhwan: I might get scolded by the Korean director Bobby: I don't know that! Donghyuk: We're in Osaka! Bobby: I'll take responsibility! #iKONJAPANTOUR2022 #iKONJAPANTOUR_OsakaDAY2 twitter.com/Jinhwan426/sta…
Bobby: It's how I feel. Your Konbat looks like a bonfire. We don't burn up without you guys. Please continue to be our fire starters. Please shake the Kombat to the end #iKONJAPANTOUR2022 #iKONJAPANTOUR_OsakaDAY2 #iKON twitter.com/Jinhwan426/sta…
221023 #iKON 大阪 1部 レポ B-DAYのときバビ「お誕生日おめでとう!」って言ってたけど昨日も言ってほしかったな(৹ᵒ̴̶̷᷄_ᵒ̴̶̷᷅৹)大人の事情で昨日言えなくて敢えて今日言ったのかな(৹ᵒ̴̶̷᷄_ᵒ̴̶̷᷅৹) #iKONJAPANTOUR2022 #iKONJAPANTOUR_OsakaDAY2