Aug 10, 3 officers visited the #hongkong newsroom of Nikkei, the Japanese financial paper, armed with a court order. The reason, according to a source spoke to @AFP, was an advert placed 1 yr ago. The new security law is not supposed to be retroactive. yhoo.it/3hEz2KV
えっ!? 昨年7月21日の元朗駅での暴漢集団による市民襲撃事件で殴られ負傷した民主派の林卓廷議員が、「暴動罪」で逮捕?香港警察や、デモ隊に車で突っ込んだタクシー運転手に対して訴訟をおこしていた民主派の許智峯議員も逮捕!? #香港 #hongkong
[Video recap] Last year today 20190825: thousands marched from Kwai Chung to Tsuen Wan, large conflict broke out at Yeung Uk Road. #HongKongProtests #hongkong #antiELAB
許智峯立法会議員が尾行されていた車を止めようとしたところ、逃げようとして議員と接触。交通事故として議員が警察を呼んだところ、警察が何もせずに車をその場から離れさせようとしたので、議員が止めようとすると、警察は議員を横倒しにし、車を逃がした。 今日の香港の出来事です #香港 #hongkong
国際的には間違いなく最も有名な香港若手民主活動家の黄之鋒(ジョシュア・ウォン)が、日本だけは「メガネくん」とか「周庭の隣にいるチーズ牛丼くん」くらいの扱いなの悲しいから、ぜひ、もっとジョシュアのことも知ってください😂 画像は本人Facebookより🤣 facebook.com/joshuawongchif… #香港 #hongkong
Chow said it is the most terrifying arrest that she has experienced. She thanked caring messages from friends abroad the world & those created the tag #FreeAgnes. She said she is not regretted in fighting for #hongkong Image Copyright CC By 4.0 :Pakkin Leung @ Rice Post
周庭(アグネス・チョウ)、逮捕。 容疑不明 #香港 #hongkong
今年7月1日の香港の新聞。 全紙が国安法成立を讃える香港政府広告を一面に載せた中、立場を変えない蘋果日報。 香港には、蘋果にしかできないことがあるんだよ。 #香港 #hongkong
蘋果日報を発行しているネクストメディア創立者の黎智英(ジミー・ライ)氏が国安法違反で自宅で逮捕され、警察に連れられて本社ビルへ。200人以上の警察に令状なし捜索されている本社内から中継を続ける世界唯一のメディア、蘋果の方々が無事でありますように #香港 #hongkong facebook.com/watch/live/?v=…
BREAKING: Lai Chee Ying, Jimmy, founder of Next Digital and popular newspaper Apple Daily, was just arrested for collusion with foreign forces under the new National Security Law. His son and other five people were just arrested. #nationalsecuritylaw #hongkong
Bloomberg's article is a bit misleading. This mobile hospital at AsiaWorld Expo was built by #hongkong's own hospital authority. The place is well ready for use before the Chinese laboratory technicians arriving at HK. Ref: news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/compon…
Did #CarrieLam ask 7M #hongkong people and her boss before saying this?
So the real reason of postponing the election is two groups of pro-Beijing people cannot vote amid the epidemics : 1) #hongkong people living in mainland 2) elderly which is a high risk group. She did mention these 2 groups particularly in the press conference.
民主派の出馬資格一斉取り消しが始まった。古くからの民主派政党からの出馬も取り消されている。 9月の香港立法会議員選挙を延期して出馬も全員無効にするという話がかなり確信的ニュースとして既に流出しているのに、なぜ延期になる選挙で民主派の出馬資格を取り消す必要があるのか。 #香港 #hongkong
Last year today, thousands of protesters gathered in Terminal 1 of the #hongkong international airport. This was the first #antielab protest held in the airport. CC BY 4.0
721 元朗駅で待ち構えていた白服集団に市民が無差別襲撃された事件から1年。通報を受けてから39分間も警察は来なかった。 解決しないまま一年が過ぎた。こんな世界になってしまった香港を信じたくないという思いが、まだどこかにある。でも、これは香港の現実 #香港 #hongkong https://t#香港/#hongkongd
The communist party is scared now. They are afraid of the power of the people demonstrated in the pro-democracy camp primary election. The CCP is going to suppress the election at all cost. We need to stand firm. #hongkong twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Last year today, the 1st anti-extradition bill protest in the Kowloon side of Hong Kong was held in Tsim Sha Tsui. The rally started from Salisbury Garden, heading to the West Kowloon station. The organisers claimed more than 230000 attended #hongkongprotests #hongkong CC BY 4.0
FB 遍地作室 made a new #hkprotestart with the banner shown at 7.2「我哋真係好撚鍾意香港」It means “We fucking love Hong Kong” Wondering would this slogan be banned too? #hongkong #hongkongprotests
Gov declares “liberate #hongkong, the revolution of our times” is illegal under the new #nationalsecuritylaw
At about 6PM, huge crowd chanting at Times Square and attempted to march towards Wai Chai #NationalSecurityLaw #hongkong #hongkongprotests CC BY 4.0
#carrielam said #hongkong people enjoys more freedoms and rights than before. Today #hkpolice ban annual 7.1 pro-democracy demo for the first time in 17 years.
#hongkong YOHO mall : At 3pm, a family of three with a children who had just bought toys cannot leave the cordon quickly enough. The riot police shouted and shoved him, and once raised the pepper spray. Source : Appledaily live 15:19
A year ago today 20190621, thousands of protesters blockaded #hongkong police headquarters, demanding the resignation of #CarrieLam and expressing anger over police conduct. #HongKongProtests CC BY 4.0
Japanese legislators: Hong Kong Issue is not China’s domestic affairs. It IS AN INTERNATIONAL ISSUE. It is important to let China know that the world would not turn a blind eye to it. #hongkong #china #humanrights #Japan #DawnofHongKong #StandWithHongKong @Stand_with_HK