Hello(๑╹ᆺ╹)! アメリカで開催中の「Anime Expo 2022」、#ホロライブプロダクション のブースはこんな感じ!! 「#hololiveMeet プロジェクト」の公式アンバサダーとして、私のグッズも販売してるよ♪
#hololiveMeet こっちのハッシュタグでも沢山感想宜しくです🙌✨ twitter.com/shiroganenoel/…
Thank you for coming to see @takanashikiara and @watsonameliaEN at Comic Fiesta, our last #hololiveMeet for 2022! We really appreciate everyone who visited hololive Meet this year, and hope you all enjoyed them!! We're looking forward to our next journey! See you soon!✈️
😮🔎 Oh?! A wild ancient weapon spotted! Have you seen her too at #CRX2022?👁️ #hololiveMeet #holoMeet
Heeeeeyy guyssss are you ready for CRX??!?!? i saw the place at that time using purple colourI, so I asked Mchan to take a picture of me wwwwww #CRX2022 #hololiveMeet
📢Anime Expo 現地レポート📢 「Anime Expo 2022」全日程が終了いたしました‼️ #ホロライブプロダクション ブースにお立ち寄りくださいました皆さま、遠くから応援してくださった皆さま、誠にありがとうございました✨ 今後の「#hololiveMeet プロジェクト」にも、ついてきてくださいね💨💨
📢#hololiveMeet Project📢 We're getting ready for our Meet and Greet at Anime Central (Rosemont, IL, USA)!💨 Hope to see you all there!😊 #ホロライブEN #holoMeet #holoEN
TAKOTORI PERFECT PITCH COMPLETE thank you crunchyroll expo!!!!! #hololiveMeet #crunchyrollexpo2022 #KFPatCRX
OTSU ANIMENYC! ✨✨ BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO MY KARAOKE PARTY!! It was such a magical experience to sing with you guys up close!!! Thank you for supporting hololiveEN!! (bubba MVP) #AnimeNYC2022 #hololiveMeet
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 The convention has started!🎉 #KureijiOllie, #PavoliaReine, #CeresFauna, and #OuroKronii will be making appearances on May 28!🎵 We hope you look forward to it!✨ #ホロライブID #ホロライブEN #hololiveMeet #holoID #holoEN
A hololive production-themed area, the "holoMeet Experience Zone", is coming to Crunchyroll Expo 2022 (August 5 to August 7: San Jose, USA)!! 🔽More Info🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202207… #hololiveMeet #holoMeet #CRX2022
It’s an honor for me to be invited to the Crunchyroll Expo 2022! I can’t wait for the event!🥹 Konnichiwa & Yoroshiku everyone! #hololiveMeet #holoMeet #CRX2022 twitter.com/crunchyrollexp…
I am honored to be appointed one of the #hololiveMeet ambassadors this year✨💎🙌😎 やったね! twitter.com/hololivepro_en…
こんにちは、友人Aです。 <注目> 18時沙花叉クロヱ🎣 18時Kobo☔️ 19時戌神ころね🥐 19時常闇トワ👾 21時白上フブキ.風真いろは🌽🍃 21時博衣こより🧪 2/26 12時Calliope💀🎉 全体📅schedule.hololive.tv #hololiveMeet Anime Boston 2023参加決定🌽🐔🎲🐿☔️🧤📗 今日もよろしくお願いします👓 twitter.com/hololivetv/sta…
Are you ready for the 3rd day of #AX2022? You can also get a free copy of Rolling Stone Japan featuring @moricalliope, and a @tokino_sora Nendoroid sticker at our booth #4606! Don't miss them!! #hololiveMeet
cant wait to see you tomorrow 👀🔨 #CRX2022 #hololiveMeet
アメリカの"Anime Expo 2022"に出展決定🎉 世界に広がるホロライブ…!実感できて感慨深し… いつか足を運びたいです💪✨ Please enjoy the hololive production booth at Anime Expo 2022! I wanna visit in the future!🥳#hololiveMeet [EN/JP]hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202206… [JP]prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
Oh, oh, have anyone really took a picture with me? I want to see!! 😳 #CRX2022 #hololiveMeet 🌼
Who will visit Anirevo: Summer 2022? Don't miss @irys_en and @ourokronii's talk show, and IRyS's karaoke concert! [Date/Time] 5 PM, July 29. 💎 Hope & Time: IRyS & Kronii Quiz Talk Show ⏳ 7:30 PM, July 30. 💎 IRyS Live: Concert of Hope #hololiveMeet #Anirevo2022
MAGNATION and Vesfriends, are you having fun at #AnimeBoston23? Share your memories with @magnidezmond and @noirvesper_en at #hololiveMeet! And make sure to come to see their show tonight!
#TsukumoSana and #HakosBaelz collab merch is on sale exclusively at the SMASH! convention👕 To those attending, pick yours up today! #hololiveMeet #holoEN #smashcon
📢お知らせ📢 フィリピンで開催される「Cosplay Mania」に #ホロライブインドネシア より4名の参加が決定🎉 #アユンダ・リス🐿️と #クレイジー・オリー🧟‍♀️によるトークショーやミート&グリート✨ #ムーナ・ホシノヴァ🔮と #パヴォリア・レイネ🦚はカラオケコンサートを開催予定です🎵 #hololiveMeet
#CRX2022 Day 2 has just begun! How was the morning stretches with Smol Ame? Enjoy your #hololiveMeet experiences!