The new #holo27 (hololive production X DECO*27) song "Sweet Appetite" by @gawrgura and @hakosbaelz has been released!💙❤ Be sure to check it and leave a comment! 🎥Music Video ➡️youtu.be/8dzJS6r2qzU 🎧Streaming ➡️lnk.to/holo27_SweetAp… #SweetAppetite #hololiveEN
Gura's 4M subscribers celebration merch is now available for preorder!🔱 It includes a body pillow case and a holographic acrylic panel! 🛒shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ga… Have a sweet dream with @gawrgura's dakimakura!🦈💙 #GawrGura #holoMyth #hololiveEN
#hololiveEN #gawrt cute shark
Finally! Tomorrow! As the lead-off member, @ninomaeinanis will begin the showcase with her 3D reveal tomorrow!🥳 Set your alarm and don't miss it!! 📅Feb. 18th, 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST (+1 Day) 📺youtube.com/watch?v=9Cc16Z… 🐙#TakoTimes3 #NinomaeInanis #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Hi, Takodachi! The day has finally come! @ninomaeinanis's 3D model reveal starts in 3 hours!! GET READY AND HYPED!!💜 ⏰ 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺youtube.com/watch?v=9Cc16Z… 🐙#TakoTimes3 #NinomaeInanis #holoMyth #hololiveEN
@ninomaeinanis [Showcase Schedule] Feb. 24th➡️#Kiara3DParty🐔 Feb. 25th➡️#Mori3D💀 Mar. 2nd➡️#GuraTV🔱 Mar. 3rd➡️#ame3D🔎 Mar. 4th➡️#Myth3Dkitaaa (#holoMyth 3D collab on #hololiveEN ch.) Showcase to take place on their respective channel at 7 PM PST (12 PM JST +1 Day) each day!
Did you watch the latest episode of holo no Graffiti? Don't miss @ninomaeinanis' hologra debut!🐙 🎥youtube.com/watch?v=U1N_Mb… #NinomaeInanis #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Are you going to watch Calliope (@moricalliope)'s special live performance tonight? @e_elements_Jp will be streaming it on their YouTube and Twitch channels! Stay tuned!💀🎵 ⏰3 AM PST | 8:30 PM JST 🔴youtube.com/@e_elements_Jp 🟣twitch.tv/e_elements_jp *No archive #hololiveEN
CounterSide x #holoMyth Collaboration reruns!! Let's start your mythical journey! For more: counterside.com/blog/2023/02/2… @CounterSideGBL #CounterSideGlobal #CounterSideCollab #hololiveEN
Hello, KFP! Are you ready? @takanashikiara's 3D model reveal starts in 3 hours! ⏰ 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺youtube.com/watch?v=q3Z9dP… 🐔#Kiara3DParty It'll be her big moment! Don't miss out! #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Hololive Comic Shorts: Why Hello There Kronii! #drawMEI #kronillust #holoCouncil #hololiveEN
Holy moly! Mori Calliope (@moricalliope)'s 3D model reveal starts in 3 hours! ⏰ 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺youtube.com/watch?v=maby2N… 💀#Mori3D Stay tuned and don't miss this big moment! #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Did you check the latest episode of holo no Graffiti? Don't miss @takanashikiara's hologra debut!🐔 🎥youtube.com/watch?v=yEsX4I… #TakanashiKiara #holoMyth #hololiveEN
It’s a little "early"… But happy birthday, Bae!🎂🎉 Join @hakosbaelz's birthday party and give her your best wishes! ⏰7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺 m.youtube.com/watch?v=ts1-_Y… And thank you so much to everyone who continuously supports her! #HakosBaelz #holoCouncil #hololiveEN
【記事更新】 #ホロライブEnglish インタビュー企画第5弾は、デビュー配信からクリエイティブなセンスと技術を披露し、リスナーに楽しさや驚きを与えて続けている #ワトソン・アメリア さんです。 febri.jp/topics/watson-… #WatsonAmelia #hololive #holoMyth #hololiveEN
The last member of the #holoMyth x @WebFebri interview relay, @watsonameliaEN's interview has been released! Check it out!🔎 📖febri.jp/topics/watson-… #WatsonAmelia #hololiveEN #Febri
Shark is coming!🦈💦 @gawrgura's 3D model reveal starts in 3 hours! ⏰ 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺youtube.com/live/pYutA8gUu… 🔱#GuraTV Set your alarm and don't miss out! #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Teamates! Get ready to watch @watsonameliaEN's 3D model reveal stream! It starts in 3 hours! ⏰ 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST 📺youtube.com/watch?v=UNtM4K… 🔎#ame3D Don't miss this memorable moment!💛 #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Are you enjoying the #holoMyth 3D showcase relay? Whose reveal do you like the most? Tomorrow, the girls will be collabing in 3D on the #hololiveEN channel! 📅March 4th, 7 PM PST | 12 PM JST (+1 Day) 📺 youtube.com/live/da26TN6N7… 💀🐔🐙🔱🔎#Myth3Dkitaaa Stay tuned!
#holoMyth's 3D debut celebration items are available for pre-order now! Don't miss this chance to grab them all! - pendant & accessory stand set💀 - thermo bottle & bottle case set🐔 - ramen stopper🐙 - shoulder bag🔱 - cap🔎 🛒shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho… #hololiveEN #Myth3Dkitaaa
Also! #holoMyth's 3D acrylic stands are now on sale! Who will you choose? @moricalliope? @takanashikiara? @ninomaeinanis? @gawrgura? @watsonameliaEN? ...Or all?👀 Take your oshi in your hand! 🛒shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho… #hololiveEN
Did you watch the latest episode of holo no Graffiti? Don't miss @moricalliope's hologra debut!💀 🎥youtube.com/watch?v=7Z_OVu… #MoriCalliope #holoMyth #hololiveEN
🎲10 DAYS TILL IDOL RAT! 🎲 Behold my daily short idol practices. Today's practice features the Rat singing PLAY DICE! by Hakos Baelz. See you at TOMORROW'S practice! TikTok: tiktok.com/@hakosbaelz_ho… Youtube: youtube.com/shorts/f3CbOXu… #ひろがるホロライブ #hololiveEN