[🦚News🦚] 8 PM, August 11 (WIB). Our peafowl, Pavolia Reine will reveal her new outfit! Please dont miss out! 🔽More Info (EN)🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202208… #holoIDNewCostume
🦚 Attention Please! 🦚 Sang putri merak yang tertiup angin, Pavolia Reine akan menunjukkan kostum baru! 11 Agustus , 20:00 WIB Kalian bakal datang kan? 👀 #holoIDNewCostume
#holoIDNewCostume #graveyart Kawaii Ollie-chan💕💕😭
NEW OUTFIT PREDICTIONS...? 😎 Use your imagination and draw!!! Will show some of them on stream...!!! 👊☺️ Use #Reinessance #holoIDNewCostume (both tags) so I can sort through them easier!!! Don't miss the stream...!! August 11, 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST ➡️youtu.be/mApApO4ChMk
【NEW OUTFIT REVEAL】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine It's time...👊☺️ Mom said it's my turn to stream outfit reveal Use the tag #holoIDNewCostume!!! August 11, 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST ➡️youtu.be/mApApO4ChMk
#holoIDNewCostume I HOPE YOU LIKED THE OUTFIT REVEAL 😎 tell me your favorite part of the outfit!!!! #Pavolive
🍂 Good Day! 🍂 Keris imut dari hololive ID generasi dua, Anya Melfissa akan hadir dengan kostum baru! 13 Agustus , 20:00 WIB Tiada kesan tanpa kehadiranmu! 🎈 #holoIDNewCostume
[🍂News🍂] 8 PM, August 13 (WIB). Our ancient weapon "Keris", Anya Melfissa's new outfit reveal! Don't miss it! 🔽More Info (EN)🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202208… #holoIDNewCostume
OUTFIT REVEAL TOMORROW! Here's the full silhouette for the prediction game🤩 I will just say... this is NOT the full outfit silhouette👀 show me your creativity! Tags are #holoIDNewCostume #anyatelier (use both for easier filtering!) and I'll show some of them on stream tomorrow!
明日の22時からは新衣装お披露目あります〜!!!ということで皆さんの予想をただいま募集してます!タグは #holoIDNewCostume #anyatelier 両方付けてくださいね🙌ぜひぜひいっぱいつぶやいてくれい!✌️✌️
Don’t forget to post your new outfit predictions with the hashtags too👀✨ 新衣装予想まだ募集中です!!!!ハッシュタグ付けて是非投稿してください💪💪 Tags/タグ➡️#holoIDNewCostume #anyatelier twitter.com/anyamelfissa/s…
【STREAM】 It's finally here! New outfit reveal tonight! Just what kind of outfit will it be👀 only one way to find out 今日は新衣装お披露目あります!一体どういう新衣装なのか😃😃😃見に来てね! 8/13 8:00 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST #holoIDNewCostume WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/2F2wWDsZqVg
アーニャさんの新衣装、この後本日22時からあります!! Would you like to see Anya’s new outfit?👗✨ #holoIDNewCostume twitter.com/anyamelfissa/s…
ホロライブID2期生 アーニャ・メルフィッサ様(@ anyamelfissa)の新衣装を担当させていただきました! I'm in charge of new costumes rig for anamelfissa! design:上倉エク様(@ ekureea) #Liveissa #holoIDNewCostume
アーニャちゃん(@anyamelfissa )の新衣装をデザインさせていただきました。 I designed Anya's new outfit!🪡 Cute and Cool Steampunk!⚙️🧳🚂 #holoIDNewCostume #anyatelier
Thanks for coming to the outfit reveal stream & hope you guys liked it! DRIP😎 ⚙️🧪 and that marks the end of Holoro’s new outfit reveals, thank you so much for everyone’s support! ご視聴ありがとうございました!ID2期生新衣装如何でしょうか👀⚙️🧪 #holoIDNewCostume
❤️💙💛 #holoIDNewCostume
October 2022 #holoIDNewCostume