🍂Merch🍂 #Anya_Melfissa Birthday Celebration 2023 merch on sale!🎁✨ Includes: Rubber Mat, Pass Case, Glass🥃 Buy the set, get Polaroid-style bromide card with duplicated foil-stamped autograph.🥳 🔽Sales Page🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/an… #Anya_Melfissa #holoID
🎨Happy 3rd Anniversary Airani Iofifteen!🎨 Dapatkan Fire Bird Jacket yang dibuat berdasarkan outfit Iofi! ❤️ 🔽Beli di sini🔽 tokopedia.com/hololivepro #HappyYopi3 #holoID #tokoholopro
🔮Merch🔮 #Moona_Hoshinova's 3rd anniversary merch is on sale!🎁 Includes anniversary voice, backpack, acrylic keychain, rubber mat, and earrings!🎉✨ 🔽Sales Page🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/mo… * Inventory sales #MoonaThirdNova #holoID #ホロライブインドネシア
we did it guys XD i'm so happy now my hololive id member is complete which one do you love? #holoID #ioarts #HoshinovArt #GambaRisu #graveyART #IsekaiOLIVIA #Reinessance #anyatelier
【🎬MV情報🎬】 hololive Indonesia 1st Generationの1stオリジナル楽曲『HI-15』のMVが公開🥳✨ 0時からはデジタルリリースも開始!ぜひお楽しみください🎉 #holoID #HI_15 #ホロライブmusic twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
🐿Merch🐿 #Ayunda_Risu's 3rd anniversary merch is on sale!🎁🎀 Includes Risusaurus hooded blanket and Risuners plushie!🎉✨ Full set buyers receive duplicated handwritten letter from Risu!🎵 🔽Sales Page🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ay… #AyundaThreesu #holoID #ホロライブインドネシア
この後22:45から、歌唱力もダンスも可愛さも最強なID1期生のオリジナル曲が!!🎶 しかも3DMVですって!?!?👀✨Don't miss it!! #holoID #HI_15 twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
hololive Indonesia 1st Generation's Original Song 「HI-15」 Produced by Hifumi,inc. I wrote the lyrics. Composed and arranged by Ryohei Sataka (@y0c1e )! Co-written by AsukaOgura! Please listen to it! 🎨🐿🔮 youtu.be/XSZNNbbVuho #holoID #HI_15 #Area15
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 The members' Talk Show will start soon!🙌✨ At the venue? Please join in!🎵 ▼Part 1 (EDT 12:30~) KureijiOllie🧟‍♀️ & #PavoliaReine🦚 ▼Part 2 (EDT 14:30~) #CeresFauna🌿 & #OuroKronii#ホロライブID #ホロライブEN #hololiveMeet #holoID #holoEN
ACOUSTIC KARAOKE + MONETIZATION CELEBRATION?? :O Starts at 21:00 WIB (GMT+7) cOME: youtu.be/m1fWzOZEbCM #OnAeru #Kobo_Kanaeru #holoID #holoID03
🎨Merch🎨 #Airani_Iofifteen's 3rd anniversary merch is on sale!🎁 The "Fire Bird Jack" design is based on the outfit!🎉✨ 🔽Sales Page🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ai… *Inventory sales #HappyYopi3 #holoID #ホロライブインドネシア
Hi, guys! Catch me in @comicfiesta's Anime Fest+ that's gonna happen next week, at April 29th~May 1st!🥳 EXCITED TO MEET EVERYONE👀✨ #holoID #hololiveMeet #animefestplus
Sejak gen 1 debut di tahun 2020, #holoID telah melewati perjalanan panjang dan penuh warna! Terima kasih untuk semua yang terus mendukung! Hari ini satu lagi sejarah baru akan dimulai, Moona akan tampil di hololive 3rd fes.! #つながるホロライブDAY1 💡Info: spwn.jp/events/2203190…
🔮Happy 3rd Anniversary Moona Hoshinova!🔮 Dapatkan Ransel, Gantungan Kunci, Rubber Mat, dan Earring! Bonus stiker dengan membeli Set Komplet✨ Dapatkan juga Voicenya!🌙 🔽URL🔽 Merch: tokopedia.com/hololivepro Voice: sociabuzz.com/hololivepro/sh… #MoonaThirdNova #holoID #tokoholopro
[🔮Selamat Ulang Tahun Moona🔮] Merchandise spesial ulang tahun Moona sudah dapat dibeli!🎉 Sarung Dakimakura (art: Nyori) & Gelas Ajaib (art: Masabodo) telah hadir!✨ 🔽URL🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/products/moona… ※Produk ini rencananya juga akan dijual di Tokopedia. #MoonDay2022 #holoID
Jangan sampai berkedip! Momen bersejarah bagi hololive Production dan #holoID masih berlangsung! Malam ini Risu dan Iofi akan memeriahkan panggung hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish! #つながるホロライブDAY2 💡Info: spwn.jp/events/2203190…
🔮Selamat Ulang Tahun Moona🔮 Dapatkan Shining Moon Tapestry (Art: Nyori), Moonabito Plushie, dan Necklace🥳 Dapatkan juga bonus kartu pos bertanda tangan asli dengan membeli Set Komplet Merchandise✨ 🔽URL🔽 tokopedia.com/hololivepro #MoonaBirthdaySeason3 #holoID #tokoholopro
ホロライブインドネシアの次世代オーディションが2/28まで開催中!これは期待⁉👀✨#holoID twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
🎉Perayaan 2 Tahunan🎉 Perayaan 2 Tahunan hololive Indonesia generasi 2 "holoro" akan diadakan mulai 4-7 Desember di channel masing-masing✨ Yuk ikutin perayaannya! #holoID #hololiveID
🔮🎨🐿 Merchandise Akrilik Stand 3D 🔮🎨🐿 Dapatkan Akrilik Stand 3D hololive Indonesia Generasi 1 "Ayunda Risu", "Moona Hoshinova", dan "Airani Iofifteen" 🙌🎉 🔽URL🔽 tokopedia.com/hololivepro  #holoID #tokoholopro
Got too into drawing the angy pbb and this funny moment.. ストリームが楽しい ! ゆっくり休んでね、アステル ! Otsukare, Holostars, HoloID. #アステル生ダ #アステル絵ダ #holostars #holoID
[🎉News🎉] #AiraniIofifteen of hololive Indonesia will be holding the "IROfi! Coloring Contest" in collaboration with CLIP STUDIO PAINT!!✨ Download Iofi's line art, color & tweet it using the #iroficontest hashtag!🎨 🔽Press Release🔽 cover-corp.com/news/detail/20… #holoID
🎉Mulai Jumat Ini!🎉 3D Showcase Relay hololive Indonesia generasi 1 akan diadakan selama tiga hari mulai dari Jumat, 16 September✨ Dilanjut dengan Mini 3D Live Stream pada Selasa, 20 September🔮🎨🐿 🔽URL🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202209… #holoID #hololiveID