🛍Merch🛍 #holoID 1st Gen acrylic stands are on sale!🎉 Get your 3D acrylic stands of #holoID 1st Gen members #Ayunda_Risu, #Moona_Hoshinova, and #Airani_Iofifteen!🙌✨ Don't miss out‼️ 🔽Merch🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho…
🛍商品情報🛍 「#ホロライブインドネシア 3Dアクリルスタンド」販売開始🎉 #holoID 1期生「#アユンダ・リス」「#ムーナ・ホシノヴァ」「#アイラニ・イオフィフティーン」の「3Dアクリルスタンド」をご用意いたしました🙌✨ こちらもお見逃しなく‼ 🔽商品ページ🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/products/holol…
🛍Merch🛍 #holoID 1st Gen acrylic stands are on sale!🎉 Get your 3D acrylic stands of #holoID 1st Gen members #Ayunda_Risu, #Moona_Hoshinova, and #Airani_Iofifteen!🙌✨ Don't miss out‼️ 🔽Merch🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho…
🛍商品情報🛍 「#ホロライブインドネシア1期生 3Dお披露記念」販売開始🥳 #holoID 1期生の3Dお披露目配信に登場した「リスサウルス」、「ムーモ」、「ちよぴ」のぬいぐるみをご用意いたしました🎉 🔽商品ページ🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/products/holol… ※在庫販売 #Area15Mini3DLive
🛍Merch🛍 #holoID 1st Gen's 3D Debut Celebration merch is on sale!🥳 Includes Risusaurus, Moomo, and Chiyopi plushies, who all appeared in #holoID 1st Gen's 3D live stream!🎉 🔽Merch🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho… (While stocks last!) #Area15Mini3DLive
🛍Merch🛍 #holoID 1st Gen's 3D Debut Celebration merch is on sale!🥳 Includes Risusaurus, Moomo, and Chiyopi plushies, who all appeared in #holoID 1st Gen's 3D live stream!🎉 🔽Merch🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ho… (While stocks last!) #Area15Mini3DLive
[MONSTER PROM] #OLLInfo #OLLIEginal #holoID MONOPOLI BERKEDOK PACARAN SAMA MONSTER🔥🔥 WILL WE ALL GET A PROM DATE?? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!! 友人に美人とイケメンモンスターを紹介させてください 🕗 9/14 - 20:00 WIB/GMT+7 ➡️ youtu.be/pNN7VF0t1PA
100日チャレンジ72日目:オリーも褒めて🧟‍♀️💖 #graveyART #holoID
🎉Mulai Jumat Ini!🎉 3D Showcase Relay hololive Indonesia generasi 1 akan diadakan selama tiga hari mulai dari Jumat, 16 September✨ Dilanjut dengan Mini 3D Live Stream pada Selasa, 20 September🔮🎨🐿 🔽URL🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202209… #holoID #hololiveID
[🎉3D Showcase🎉] Thank you for watching the announcement stream! Thank you for patiently waiting for us!🙇‍♀️ Check the pic for 3D Showcase dates for Moona🔮, Iofi🎨, and Risu🐿! We hope you'll continue your support🙏 and don't forget to spread this amazing news!💬 #holoID twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
Terima kasih telah menyaksikan stream pengumuman gen 1! Berikut adalah jadwal 3D Showcase Stream Moona, Iofi, dan Risu. Terima kasih telah menunggu lama🙇‍♀️ Mohon doa dan dukungannya terus, ya. Dan jangan lupa sebarkan berita gembira ini 👀 #holoID
100日チャレンジ68日目:うさムーナ🔮 #HoshinovArt #holoID
これは…ついにIDの3人の何か… "何か" …が来るってことですかね…⁉🤩#holoID Does it mean something BIG coming...right!? twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
Jangan lupa 10 September, 2022. #holoID
I had the pleasure of being commissioned to draw Kaela, it was a lot of fun drawing her in a more streetwear fashion! #inKaela #holoID
🎨Selamat Ulang Tahun Iofi🎨 Dapatkan Akrilik Diorama (Art: Yano Mitsuki), dan Tas Slempang!✨ (Bonus: kartu pos bertanda tangan) Ada juga Situation Voice Pack dengan bonus naskahnya!💕 🔽Merch🔽 tokopedia.com/hololivepro   🔽Voice🔽 sociabuzz.com/hololivepro/b/… #Happyio18 #holoID
Yo im back! Sorry for the long hiatus and not updating anything. Long story short got busy a bit, and haven't draw or do animation in a while, imma start slow. Will update more in the future. youtu.be/I-3_mvQxOGE #KoboKanaeru #AeruSeni #Kobokerz #holoID
Selamat 2 juta views #identityvoices! Tidak terasa sudah hampir setahun dari syukuran #YAGOOtumpengan, terima kasih untuk para viewers hololive Indonesia.✨ Ayo dengarkan id:entity voices sekarang! youtu.be/Wp90CrP-s_8 #holoID twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
🎉Berita gembira!🎉 Selamat untuk #KoboKanaeru atas pencapaian 1 juta subscribersnya! Terima kasih banyak kepada semua yang telah memberi dukungan hangat kepada Kobo! Terus temani perjalanan Kobo, ya! #holoID
‼️PERHATIAN‼️ #OLLInfo #holoID Acrylic stand dari Merchandise 2nd Anniversary holoID, AKAN BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL 11 JULI 2022 PUKUL 16:00 WIB😱😱 UDAH BELI BELUM?! YUK BELI SEKARANG MUMPUNG MASIH ADA!!✨️✨️ 🔹️ Link tokopedia holoID: tokopedia.link/WmQoUwoDrrb
Sembilan talent holoID melawan Ender Dragon? Semakin banyak orang artinya semakin mudah dong!? 🐲 - We also provided English and Japanese subtitles. - 日本語と英語の字幕がついています。 🔽Pasang Reminder🔽 youtu.be/aBu18HbscjY #holoIDclip #holoID #hololiveindonesia
🎉Info🎉 Come visit the hololive production booth at Anime Expo 2022 (July 1 to July 4; Los Angeles, USA)!🥳🙌 🔽More Info🔽 hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202206… #hololive #holoID #holoEN #holoMeet #hololiveMeet