#inART #gawRT #ameliaRT #callillust #artsofashes I always get healing while watching the live. 🎆Congrats 🎆on the 1 anniversary of the 'Holomyth' debut!!🥳🎉🥳🎉 I didn't have a good idea, but I drew this because I had a cute idea.
#inART #gawRT #ameliaRT #callillust #artsofashes #TAKAMORI Smol Holomyth!! Ina has two spots missing from her face, so she puts them back up.
#callillust #artsofashes #inART #gawRT #ameliaRT When I saw holomyth catch Ender-Dragon, I thought of a pinata.
#hololiveEN #inART #ameliaRT #callillust #artsofashes #gawRT It's over! It's been a long, bumpy ride! Parts by member are displayed in the thread.
#みかじ絵 #桐生会FOREVER #gawRT #ameliaRT #inART #artsofashes #callillust Kaichou! You've streaming hard so far, and thank you so much. Coco comic (1/2)
#hololiveEN #callillust #gawRT I drew "Calli Dad" with gratitude for using my painting, but I don't have the courage to mention it myself, so if you have a chance, I hope you can see it.😊 River city girls streaming was really really adorable and fun!
#hololiveEN #callillust #gawRT #inART #ameliaRT #artsofashes I was looking forward to playing the River City Girls game, so that I was sad. But I liked their collaboration stream because it was cute. I drew it while dozing off and it's crushed!!! (T ^T)