#splatoon3 #shiver #frye 🐍🦈 they’re the cool girls in love they kick ass with unbeatable style and pizzazz
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #ウツフウ my biggest headcanon is that shiver’s cool girl persona is nothing in the face of bugs… she woke frye up at 4 am for this
#ウツフウ #shiver #frye #splatooon3 눈만 감으면… 우츠후 생각남…
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #bigman #deepcut been wanting to draw this for a whioe
#deepcut #friver #frye #shiver #utsufuu because whose account do you think youre on! if you see me abusing this splatoon font i downloaded no you dont
#shiver #frye #splatoon3 i literally drew this as soon as i saw the meme on my tl… it’s only downhill in quality from here friver fans
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #shiverxfrye i hereby solemnly swear to never post something this rushed or shitty again but i have to leave in 15 minutes so
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #bigman #deepcut splatfest image/idea taken from tumblr (post below⬇️) i have never taken any sort of philosophy class in my life ever so
#splatoon3 #utsufuu #shiver #frye aggie collaboration with @/Lee_onlyGL who ate me up LMAO
#splatoon3 #frye #teamfire thought frye having a shiny emboar dance partner a la tierno would be cute
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye “What’s THIS creep doing in the Splatlands?” “Beats me— but if it’s our treasure they’re after, they gotta get through US first!”
她射中我了 #frye
体全体でラブを伝えたいウツホちゃん!!! #splatoon3 #frye #ウツホちゃん
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #friver this is a korean meme template i feel like ive seen 200 times over in the past week
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #bigman hi friver fans i decided to bring back my “shiver’s cool girl persona crumbles within 10 feet of bugs” headcanon feat. big man
手づかみ両手でケーキを食べる幸せウツホちゃん #Splatoon3 #frye #ウツホちゃん
ギラギラキメ顔ウツホちゃん #Splatoon3 #frye #ウツホちゃん
#splatoon3 #frye #deepcut frye freshest fit
赤ちゃんなのかお姉さんなのかどっちなんだい…??? #splatoon3 #frye
ち、チンピラすぎる〜〜〜!!! #Splatoon3 #frye
ハッピーエンジェルウツホちゃん!!!!!!!! #Splatoon3 #frye