#GeorgianLegion mortar squad delivering 120mm messages to the enemy position.
Looks like meat's back on the menu #fellas
Dear #fellas, I’m changing my profile pic,but not switching allegiance.
Thanks for inviting me to NAFO!
Our joint work continues:
#UAarmy fights for the future of Europe;
#NAFO donates&destroys russo-propaganda.
Let’s win together!
Thx you to @saintjavelin for T-shirt&cap patch
Good morning #fellas, wish us happy hunting
Dear #fellas, have a look at this great piece in @WSJ.
Our union stands strong. #UAarmy will continue to crush the invaders. And you… well, fellas, you know what to do with those «vatniks».
One does not simply announce @MarkHamill as an ambassador without instantly receiving a lot of memes from Star Wars fans and #fellas (you guys are kind of a modern version of the Ewoks who joined the resistance of the empire, only much earlier than in the movies 💪)
Hey @KremlinRussia_E, this is for you. Enjoy your last birthday #khuilo.
Now, let’s all go to kremlin.ru and check out the good news repeatedly there. Maximum RT is welcome.
#fellas, you can send your wishes here signmyrocket.com twitter.com/georgian_legio…