⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ WE STUDYING CUZ WE A GOOD RAT!! 공부노력하겠습니다!!! 🎲youtu.be/feqzbduBJgA STARTING NOW!!! #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
she's gone travelling but she misses you~ wake up and watch Princess Bride with your RAT! (extremely accurate as I LITERALLY would have JUST woken up) 【PHONE DATE ROLEPLAY】 🎲TWITTER SPACE: twitter.com/i/spaces/1zqJV… 🎲CHAT: youtube.com/live/IfPsKSK6G… #vspace #enterbaelz
i did it. kaela i promise one day i will take the crown. also mane-chan didn't bonk me. SHE SAID TO COME AFTER I BREAK THE RECORD TEE HEE !!! mane-chan based. ok bye. #enterbaelz
A Valentine's Date with you ❤️❤️ Let's go karaoke!! We can sing love songs and spend some quality time together! --- wait what is that under the table?....huh.. must be seeing things.. 【Valentine's Day Roleplay】 🎲❤️youtube.com/live/JfZM386I0… #enterbaelz #febaerary
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ WE ARE BACK MAYBE FINALE?!?!?! who knows 久しぶりにやるぞ!!!! with da best tree @ceresfauna 🎲youtu.be/_pyWP31f5p8 | 10 AM JST | 1 AM GMT | 6 PM PDT | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
herbal tea is my best friend. #enterbaelz
slight delay! just getting some food!! IN HONOR OF FAUNA'S BDAY. I CHALLENGE THIS GAME. yeh i don't have a good feeling about this 【GETTING OVER IT】 🎲youtube.com/live/9aCftWAxZ… #enterbaelz
<<COLLAB STREAM>> FINALLY TOURING THE JP SERVER WITH NENE!! 🤎❤️ 🎲youtu.be/xTo7p0poqjg🎲 WE'LL SEE YOU IN AN HOUR!! #enterbaelz #ねねいろらいぶ #BaeNene
Can you believe that its been one month already? I can't wait to celebrate with you guys❤️ I appreciate all you brats so fricken much.....❤️❤️❤️ Love Council Forever 🎲youtu.be/CxdZ6998Zxc 11.30 AM JST// 2.30 AM GMT// 7.30PM PDT (23/09) #enterbaelz #ベール登場 #holoCouncil
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ i am going to attempt to pew pew in baby lobbies. 今まで怯えてったAPEX配信。。ついにやるぞ。 also friends if you wanna play...hit me up 🎲youtu.be/sSONbLRDbLk STARTING IN 45 MINUTES #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
hello. my name is bae. this is my audition for the part of Hololive Idol. thank you for the your consideration 【THEATRE KARAOKE】 🎲youtu.be/oQyzwCyAtBw #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ pew pew with @nanashimumei_en and @tokoyamitowa 僕今日まだ赤ちゃんです。トワさまとムメイし助けてください。 🔻APEX youtu.be/h8GrEGsrSKI IN 15 MINUTES #enterbaelz
big week ahead of us!!! ✨ #enterbaelz
≪SCHEDULE FOR 14.03 - 20.03≫ we back with schedules with a lil twist!!! hope you guys like the new layout!! GET HYPED FOR SUPER FES THIS WEEK!!!!! #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ JUDGING YOUR BATHROOMS. WITH DA DETECTIVE @watsonameliaEN どんなことが出てくるのか分からないに恐れ。 ヤバくない。。。よね? 🔻BATHROOM REVIEWS youtu.be/bU49U1cQ02o | 12 PM JST | 3 AM GMT | 8 PM PDT #enterbaelz #amelive #BaethingAme
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ im screwed. im so very very screwed. remote play is a thing right?... 確実に終わりです。僕の人生は。 🎲youtu.be/WmlkLnC72IQ | 9 AM JST | 12AM GMT | 4PM PST | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ oops i forgot. um. im singing. 🎲youtu.be/h1sJgBa674U STARTING NOW #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
so i am streaming. but beware. it may be a skill issue. Playing with @ceresfauna @akaihaato @nanashimumei_en 【FALL GUYS】 🎲 youtu.be/wNfqmPoGxck #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ Cleaning while sippin on coffee.. We have a lot to catch up on!! Let's relax and talk! 朝掃除しながら雑談~! 眠いかも。。多分。。絶対。 🎲youtu.be/Bc-wZ10aGtg | 7 AM JST | 10 PM GMT | 3 PM PDT | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
<<INPUT_STREAM..>> Friday Night LETS GET DRINKIN!! 🍻 Calli and I going to be reviewing your rooms! Don't miss it! See you in AN HOUR!! 🎲youtu.be/CstZsBWV3j8💀 #enterbaelz #calliolive #hololiveEnglish
excuse me. 144wpm has entered the building. BOW DOWN TO THE GAMER. wait.. is this a horror game? 【The Typing of The Dead: Overkill】 🎲youtube.com/live/j2uUJRxki… #enterbaelz
Before the end of this year I just want to say thank you to someone! She’s the cutest rat, a talented singer , a great actor and she’s always shining in my day🥰 Thanks Bae! I’II Always support you🫶❤️🎲 @hakosbaelz #BaelzBrush #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ MAYHAPS BE A BIT SUSSY 🔻Among Us youtu.be/oBwJ3Hp4-Is | 10 PM JST | 6 AM GMT | 1 PM PDT #enterbaelz #AmongHolo
i know not of this shed you speak of. LETS CHATTT I MISS YOUUU I HAVEN'T STREAMED IN LIKE 137467 YEARSSSSSSSS. not accurate but it feels like it ;; 【JUST CHATTING】 🎲youtube.com/live/kK4JPwHmC… #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ WE BACK WITH MINECRAFT! i wanna build a fountain 久しぶりにマイクラやるぞ~!何作ろうかな。。。 🎲youtu.be/fuBJR0RidEI | 12 PM JST | 3 AM GMT | 8 PM PDT | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil