i didn't cringe too hard so REBROADCAST! i will be extremely sleepy and will probably fall asleep in the middle BUT AH WELL 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE: REBROADCAST】 🎲youtu.be/taKx044Nj9M #enterbaelz
<<COLLAB_STREAM..>> RACING WITH REINE! 🎲: youtu.be/PyeL4qEE1PM SEE YOU IN 45 MINS!! #Pavolia_Reine #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ WE SLITHERING 蛇太郎でちゅ。 🎲youtu.be/I06aaLf2pgo IN ABOUT AN HOUR!! #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
<<INPUT_STREAM..>> WE STUDYING TOMORROW MORNING HAHAHAHAHA smol brein time. アホなんで。勉強します。 | 8.30AM JST | 11.30 PM GMT (25/11) | 3:30 PM PST (25/11) | 🎲: youtu.be/dA7QhfhfYRI #enterbaelz #ベール登場 #holoCouncil
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ HAPPY WHITE DAY TO EVERYONE!! I will rating your pick lines. Bring your A game. ハッピーホワイトデー!!かっこいセリフよいしてるかな?? 🎲youtu.be/s4Ms3hQ_IAY | 11 AM JST | 2AM GMT | 7 PM PDT | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
FINALLY. MY PERSONA ITCH CAN BE RELIEVED. im not moving from my chair for at least 5-7 hours. bless persona. やっとだ。;; 【PERSONA 5 ROYALE】 🎲youtu.be/RvLyZ7Vakfc #enterbaelz
2023 TIME CAPSULE AND RESOLUTIONS The time has come. Let's see how much has changed over a year!! ✨✨ 今年も頑張る~!!!! 【2023 NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS】 🎲youtu.be/bo2FlaG3pxI #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ hello. i had the strangest dream last night. おはよう。。。めっちゃ眠い。 🎲youtu.be/4cNPv6PO0Y8 IN 30 MINUTES #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ after a busy busy day...let's chilllllll なんか昨日はすごい日だったわね。。。今日はゆっくりでしよう~ 🎲youtu.be/GnKnRx6b6mU | 9AM JST | 2AM GMT | 6 PM PST | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
<<INPUT_STREAM>> go go pokemon go go go 🎲youtu.be/KnY_ET3J1Ew SEE YOU IN 30 MINS #enterbaelz #ベール登場 #holoCouncil
<<INPUT_STREAM>> massiv brein time 🎲youtu.be/SViqIjUIwis in one hour! #enterbaelz #ベール登場 #holoCouncil
WE DID ITTTTTT RAT PACK!! RAT BOSS AND RAT GODS IN VISUAL FORM! Thank you for joining me in today's members stream!! #enterbaelz
<<INPUT_STREAM..>> im awake im awake im awake im awake... 🎲: youtu.be/LqRx75R0Rg4 see you in 10 minutes #enterbaelz #ベール登場 #holoCouncil
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ i will most definitely be just waking up. 普通の朝雑です~ 普通。。。僕って普通な配信やったことある?。。 🔻JUST CHATTING youtu.be/h_XLRPj47k8 | 12 PM JST | 3 AM GMT | 8 PM PDT #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
early morning malding nothing special... but come mald with me? 【MARIO KART 8DX 】 🎲youtube.com/live/rDYwacNKE… #enterbaelz
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ 🎌日本語配信・JP WEEK! 🎌 JP WEEKどんどん続くぞ!!今晩は一緒にARTを作りましょう~!! DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND JP. GUARANTEED LAUGHS. 🔻GARTIC PHONE 🎲youtu.be/MDBSeDw8i1w | 9 PM JST | 12 PM GMT | 5 AM PDT | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil
⋪ NEXT STREAM ⋫ we still jumpin. まだ飛びますぞ。 🎲youtu.be/NXeE7mjDOz0 | 9PM JST | 12PM GMT | 4AMPST | #enterbaelz #holoCouncil #feBAErary
time to fully embody THE FISH. RETURN OF SHAKETARO 【Insaniquarium: Deluxe】 🎲 youtu.be/2dfkwwX5-VA Starting in 35 minutes #enterbaelz
GLORY TO RATARSTOTZKA Show me your paperwork and I might just refrain from putting a bullet between those plebeian eyes. 【Papers, Please】 🎲youtu.be/CBwCbDwXWS4 #enterbaelz
where am i... streaming in the morning and streaming at night is the exact same for me....just awoken and spatial unaware. 【STUDY STREAM】 🎲youtu.be/jAVqWoNC4pY #enterbaelz
THE TIME HAS COME! unleash the pick up lines. it is time to put your honor on the line and accept your rating. 【WHITE DAY STREAM】 🎲youtube.com/live/z5AhDB23n… #enterbaelz
WE DID IT!!!!!!! 14 hours and we cleared it baby!! Bayonetta will forever be my bae #enterbaelz
nothing like some morning exercise 🎲youtu.be/hAxjVJDpWrI STARTING NOW! #enterbaelz