✨もうすぐクリスマスですね🎉 入手困難なDior 欲しくないですか? 男性の方もぜひご参加ください👇 自分へのプレゼント(女性の方) 彼女へのプレゼントに🎁 母親へのプレゼントに🎀 ◇応募方法 ・RT & いいね 〆切 フォロワー 7,500人超えるまで #dior #Dior #プレゼント企画 #拡散希望 #コスメ
DIOR is officially my favourite brand now ! DIOR GLOBAL AMBASSADOR JIMIN PARK JIMIN GLOBAL IT BOY no one is doing it like you #JIMIN #지민 #ParkJimin #dior
Bringing the first LV Jimin modelled to shop at Dior because Jimin is now DIOR GLOBAL AMBASSADOR Told ya Dior is now my favourite brand #JIMIN #지민 #ParkJimin #dior
[ hyejoo_w Instagram post ] " 드디어!! 지민군 커버 Wkorea가 발행된 날 지난 몇 일 동안 그의 영향력 덕에 세계각지의 수백만의 사람들이 <더블유 >라는 플랫폼에 집결한 듯한 느낌이었죠 대단지민 #지민 #bts #방탄소년단 #jimin @mrkimjones @wkorea #더 블유코리아 #dior "
18.01.23 | @milephakphum " หนุ่มดิออร์ หล่อมากคับ 🥹 " #MileFlyToParis #dior #MilePhakphum #GreenyRose
18.01.23 | @milephakphum " หล่อแบบสับ😎 " #MileFlyToParis #dior #MilePhakphum #GreenyRose
이주영님 Instagram (ARENA HOMME+ Korea Editor in Chief) - 싸움의 흔적. 제대로 찍힌 게 하나도 없다. 내 코트는 너덜너덜. #pmfw23fw #dior #디올 #bts #지민 #jimin #7 @/dior 그리고 역시 태그되지 않는 j.m 태그되지 않는 지민 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Filter choreographer Nicky Anderson commented on a TikTok from Hypebeast editor Eric Brain of Jimin arriving at @Dior #DiorWinter23! "Legend" Yup🔥 We also love the caption by Eric: "The girls go wild when #jimin turns up to #dior — never seen anything like it 😂 #fyp #viral"
先日パリで開催された「#ディオール」2023-24年ウインター メンズ コレクション 。グローバル アンバサダーのBTSジミンがショーに向けて準備する様子をムービーでお届け🎬🤍 @Dior #dior #bts #btsjimin #jimin #jiminbts tiktok.com/@ellegirl_jp/v…
&TEAMがELLEgirlのTikTokに初登場😍 「ディオール」のイベント会場で二択チャレンジに挑戦👐✨ #andTEAM #K #MAKI #NICHOLAS #TAKI #LUNÉ #dior #missdiorbloomingbouquet @andTEAMofficial @andTEAM_members @DiorBeautyJP tiktok.com/@ellegirl_jp/v…
&TEAMが二択チャレンジに挑戦✨ ライブに備えて前日にしたいことは❓👀 #andTEAM #HARUA #JO #YUMA #EJ #FUMA #LUNÉ #dior #missdiorbloomingbouquet @andTEAMofficial @andTEAM_members @DiorBeautyJP tiktok.com/@ellegirl_jp/v…
Trending in 3 locations No.1 🇹🇭 🇻🇳 No.15 🌍 #APOFLYTOPARIS #dior @Nnattawin1 #Nnattawin
Update Trending Schedule ! Tuesday, February 28 📍 Dior Women’s Autumn-Winter 2023-2024 | READY-TO-WEAR-SHOW 📌 Paris, France ▶️ 2.00 PM CET | 8.00 PM (GMT+7) 👉🏻 #.ApoxDiorAW2023 #DiorAW23 #dior #Nnattawin @Nnattawin1
หล่อที่สุดดดด 🤍 DIOR WITH NATTAWIN @Nnattawin1 #Nnattawin #ApoxDiorAW2023 @Dior #dior
IG🎯For MileApoxDior🙏🙏 Write a post abt MileApo & Dior! Use the following #️⃣in IG #ApoxDiorAW2023 #MilexDiorWinter2023 #milephakphum #nnattawin #dioraw23 #dior #มายอาโป #MileApo #张泽毅陈立波 Photo tag:milephakphum|nnattawin|diormenofficial|diorbykimjones|mrkimjones…
Mile Apo with DIOR So grateful for both to be able to work with DIOR. Looking forward for Mile and Apo to grow with you. #ApoxDiorAW2023 #MilexDiorWinter2023 #MilePhakphum #Nnattawin #dior #dioraw23 @milephakphum @Nnattawin1 @Dior
Luxury brand ให้ค.สำคัญกับIGมากที่สุดแอดฝากทุกคนช่วยกันคนละไม้คนละมือ ไปlike/share/commentโพสของมายอาโปที่เกี่ยวกับแบรนด์หรือโพสโดยนิตยสาร/สำนักข่าวกันหน่อยน้า ไปเพิ่มยอดengagementทางให้ทั้งคู่กันเยอะๆนะคะ 🫶🏼🙇🏻‍♀️💚💛 #dior #DiorFall23 #MileApoFlyToMumbai #MilePhakphum #Nnattawin twitter.com/sweetiepopo/st…
Mile joined our “Yes or No” questions game, and he also shared a small secret with us. Let’s watch and find what is it. 更多訪問內容︰mrrm.com.hk/i/?p=4361 @milephakphum @Dior #mrrmhk #KinnPorschetheserie #milephakphum #dior #DiorSummer23 instagram.com/reel/CqnLjyNvO…