Hemmlooo. #dinosanji is back. Since Pomu is a fairy, I chose Microraptor to represent her. A small four-winged beautiful dromaeosaurid, perfect for a fairy right? Beware, they might be cute, but deadly 👁👁. #PomuPaint
Oho who dis? Here I present you the fifth #dinosanji I chose a Dromaeosaur to portray our babuy Wimwoi! Smol, agile, clever and deadly. Great at working alone or as a team! (I used the one on Prehistoric Planet as a reference ❤️ God knows I love that show) #Rai_Art
Psst. Gonna drop another #dinosanji tonight! The 4th #dinosanji is miss Elira Pendora! Since she's a dragon, I chose Stygimoloch to portray her. (I know I didn't do justice on Pikl though 😭 I'm sorry..) Now now, who's next? #pendorART
Psst. Gonna drop another #dinosanji tonight! The 4th #dinosanji is miss Elira Pendora! Since she's a dragon, I chose Stygimoloch to portray her. (I know I didn't do justice on Pikl though 😭 I'm sorry..) Now now, who's next? #pendorART
Eeeppp the fisherman boi as a Mosasaur! No need to bring any fishing equipment since he can just chomp the fish. The third #dinosanji doodle, Bonnivier Pranaja 🦖❤️ #bonnivierart
The second #dinosanji 🦖❤️ Mayuzumi Kai as an Elasmosaurus! (I don't know if this doodle does look like one 💦 but hopefully you can see that it's some type of a plesiosaur lol 🙏💦) #灰画
Idk how to doodle 🥹 Anyway. The first #dinosanji! Fulgur Ovid ❤️⚡️🐑 I chose an Allosaurus as the base for him. Should I try drawing the next liver in a dino onesie? Or let the dino wears the liver's clothing? 👁👁💦 #Artchivist