4月24日 #WorldDayforLaboratoryAnimals #世界実験動物解放デー ☀️光/自然の香り/大地の感触さえも知らない動物達。全世界で1秒間に約4匹の割合で死んでいく。カニクイ🐵は医薬品開発での利用が要因で絶滅の危機に瀕している。科学の未来に動物実験は不要。 The future of science is #crueltyfree.
@animal.riot_ This is how little crocs experience their first moments in the world 😱 Being cut out of their eggs and thrown in a bucket 👺 Reposted from @marc_galapagos #vegan #govegan #plantbased #crueltyfree #herbivore #animalholocaust #veganism #antispeciesism
@animal.riot_ A shower before the slaughter Cuz the consumer wants it clean! If you dont want dirt and shit just leave the fuckin animals alone Reposted from @marc_galapagos #vegan #govegan #plantbased #crueltyfree #herbivore #animalholocaust #veganism #